Members of the Cooma division of St John Ambulance with their new vehicle. Photo: St John Ambulance.
Life has become a little easier for St John Ambulance volunteers – and the people whose lives they save.
Thanks to public support, the group has acquired three new vehicles for its operations in Goulburn, Cooma and Albury.
Chief Executive Officer of St John Ambulance NSW Sarah Lance said the vehicles would help support the great work already being done by the St John volunteers in southern NSW.
“Events and community sport is starting to pick up again and it will be more important than ever that St John volunteers are there to provide first aid services – and more importantly, peace of mind to people attending events,” she said.
There are more than 15,000 St John volunteers across Australia with divisions in all states and territories. They are a familiar and reassuring sight at all the big events from sporting finals to rock concerts.
These volunteers provide more than one million hours of community service every year caring for an average of 80,000 sick or injured people.
Their tent at such major events is a place for sanctuary for those in need of first aid or even life-saving help. But as a not-for-profit self-funded organisation, St John’s first aid courses and sale of equipment help fund its community programs.
Southern Hub leader of St John Ambulance NSW, Shannon Armstrong said the new vehicles would improve the capability for the local St John divisions in the wider region.
“These vehicles represent a significant lift in response capability for our divisions who service communities from Goulburn down to Albury and all the way to the coast. Our volunteers in these areas were key in supporting emergency services throughout the 2019-20 bushfire response as well as to subsequent flooding and COVID responses right across southern NSW.
“The new vehicles are already acting as a positive motivator for our members who tirelessly provide their time and energy to support their local communities.
“This is a fantastic recognition of the valuable contribution these wonderful volunteers make to the people of NSW.”
St John Ambulance has been operating in NSW for more than 135 years and has as its vision to have one person educated, equipped and prepared to provide first aid in every home, workplace and public gathering.
St John is always looking for volunteers and has two categories which people can join – the cadets program for under-18s and adult membership.
St John Ambulance cadets help provide health services at events while at the same time, learning valuable life skills such as first aid, teamwork, management and leadership.
Adult volunteers are first responders delivering first aid at public events and during emergencies.
People interested in becoming volunteers can contact St John Ambulance for more information via the website.
More information about the organisation is available on 1300 360 455.