Richard Karpinski is 84-years-old and suffers from a medical condition. Photo: Supplied by Monaro Police District.
Police are continuing their search for a missing 84-year-old Cooma man who was last seen walking towards the bush near his home yesterday afternoon (4 September).
Shortly before 4 pm, officers from Monaro Police District were called after Richard Karpinski was reported missing from his home on Bobeyan Road at Shannons Flat.
An overnight search involving police, SES, RFS, a rescue helicopter and other emergency services did not locate Mr Karpinski.
Mr Karpinski suffers from a medical condition which may make him appear confused. He was last seen wearing bright purple trousers, a thick grey jacket and a grey/brown beanie.
Police have concerns for his welfare and believe he may be walking alongside main roads.
Monaro Police District, including rural crime investigators on horseback, NSW RFS, NSW Ambulance, SES, Westpac Helicopter and PolAir continue their extensive search for the missing man.
Police would also like property owners in the Shannons Flat area to check their sheds and outbuildings in case Mr Karpinski took shelter in one of their structures overnight.
Anyone with information or who sights Mr Karpinski should contact police or Crime Stoppers immediately on 1800 333 000 or the NSW Crime Stoppers website.
#This article first appeared on RiotACT