21 June 2024

Police call for help to find 27-year-old man missing from Batemans Bay

| Claire Sams
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A man standing behind a car door

Thomas Castle is missing from the NSW Far South Coast. Photo: NSW Police.

NSW Police have called for the public’s help to locate a 27-year-old man missing from the NSW South Coast.

A police spokesperson said Thomas Castle, aged 27, was last seen in Surfside – a suburb near Batemans Bay – at approximately 4:20 am on Wednesday (19 June).

When he was unable to be located or contacted, officers attached to South Coast Police District were notified and commenced inquiries into his whereabouts.

Police and family hold concerns for Thomas’ welfare due to his medical condition.

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He is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 180 cm tall, of medium build, with black hair, a black beard and brown eyes.

He has a triangle-shaped tattoo with an eye on it on the back of his hand.

A triangle tattoo on the back of a man's hand

Thomas has this tattoo on the back of one of his hands. Photo: NSW Police.

According to the NSW Police spokesperson, he may be travelling in an aqua-coloured Suzuki SUV with NSW registration 666TOM.

It is believed Thomas may be travelling to Melbourne.

Anyone with information about Thomas’ whereabouts is urged not to approach but to contact South Coast Police District or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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