The cast of Six Degrees of Diabetes. Photo: South East Arts.
Three blokes get together in a pub and a life-changing conversation begins. You can pick up on the drama that unfolds on Tuesday afternoon when ‘Six Degrees of Diabetes’, takes to the stage at the Delegate School of Arts.
Performed by the Pambula based, Stageflight Theatre group, Borderliners is bringing the play to the Southern Monaro with funding from the NSW Country Arts Support Program.
“Theatre has been an effective way to get messages across to communities long before newspapers and social media took over that role,” says Deb Foskey, one of the convenors of Borderliners.
“A good play can combine feelings with facts, the actors can take the audiences into their scripted lives. Its can be more effective than a pamphlet!”
With rave reviews, Six Degrees of Diabetes last performed on the Far South Coast last year as part of the Swell – Arts and Health program from South East Arts.
“Borderliners is bringing it to Delegate to open up discussions about this condition which is as prevalent in the border districts as it is in Australian communities everywhere,” Ms Foskey says.
British playwright Alan Hopkins wrote the play to get the diabetes message out to a wide audience.
Stageflight director Lis Shelley says, “The play is based on true stories and brings up a lot of issues that people have before or after they are diagnosed.”
“It also touches on other things like the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and explores some of the myths.”
The play is designed to provoke questions with a Q&A style audience discussion to follow the performance, with Kirsten Herbert, Manager Community Health, Cooma, on hand to respond.
“People can grab a cup of tea and a biscuit and chat with the actors and Kirsten afterwards, so it’s a chance to be social as well as informed,” Ms Foskey says.
Six Degrees of Diabetes plays at the Delegate School of Arts on Tuesday, February 19 at 2 pm, entry is free.
Borderliners is a group of people from Delegate and district who want to see more cultural activities in our area with plans for a concert/review down the track. If you are interested in being involved in any capacity please contact Marion on 0411 359 091.