About Regional founder Ian Campbell’s storytelling role will take centre stage on the news platform. Photo: Supplied.
About Regional’s parent company Region Media has experienced an unparalleled year of growth in 2019. As 2020 approaches, we’re taking steps to build on our strengths and secure our future in a dynamic media environment.
Since Region Media acquired About Regional two years ago, we’ve grown from 5000 unique visitors per month to 60,000, an astounding 1000 per cent growth. As a group, Region Media now reaches 387,000 people each month across the Capital region.
We’ve started and influenced conversations from Eden to Jindabyne, to Bega, Batemans Bay, Braidwood and Goulburn. The regional team now has six regular writers and many more contributors.
Following a restructure of our operations across the organisation, About Regional founder Ian Campbell’s role will change, although he remains an important part of the Region Media team.
From January, Ian moves to become a senior weekly contributor. He’ll continue to gather and produce stories from across the region and remains one of your go-to people for About Regional story ideas. He can be contacted at [email protected]. You can also send stories to the general email inbox [email protected].

Genevieve Jacobs, Group Editor for Region Media assumes managerial responsibility for About Regional. Photo: Daniella Jukic.
Genevieve Jacobs, well known to many readers for her long years as a regional journalist and broadcaster, assumes managerial and editorial responsibilities. Region Media is also actively seeking new contributors. If you’d like to write for us, email [email protected].
We wish Ian well and thank him for his ongoing contribution, and wish all our About Regional readers a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.