Tim Overall (Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council Mayor), Peter Chamberlain (Director of Allinsure), Adrian Pavese (General Manager of Football Operations for the Queanbeyan Tigers) and John Barilaro (Member for Monaro) at the Tigers’ season launch. Photo Supplied.
The Queanbeyan Tigers AFL season couldn’t have gotten off to a better start, with a 47-point win made all the better with the official turning on of the brand new lights at the Tigers’ home ground, Allinsure Park.
Allinsure Park was lit up with upgraded lights after a $450,000 investment by the NSW Government. The field had been fitted with old lights that were basic training standard lights since the early 80s.
Former General Manager of Football Operations at Queanbeyan Tigers Michael Goiser said the lights were unsuitable for night matches and the club had been trying to get the lights upgraded for some time.
Mr Goiser oversaw the sourcing of the funding and worked with the Queanbeyan Council to coordinate the construction of the lights.
Mr Gioser said the steady growth in participation rates across junior and senior level required the lights to be upgraded.
“With the growth of football, particularly around women’s football, there is a lot more pressure on oval availability, so simply having lights allows the ground to be used for extended hours,” he said.
“We were able to field another women’s’ team this year so now we have two senior women’s grades and three men’s grades so we have a lot of games happening each week.”
“Nearly every weekend, we will have one of those grades playing at night time for quite a large part of the season.”
NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro joined the club for the season launch and said it was great to see the investment finalised for the club to enjoy.
“The Tigers are an integral part of our community here in Queanbeyan and they have been around for almost 100 years,” he said.
“This is a huge investment in one of our most-loved local clubs and it is clear that the NSW Government is committed to supporting local sport here in the Monaro.”
The member for Monaro paid tribute to the football club’s executive members who were the driving force behind the new lights.
“The lighting project has been driven by the club’s executive members, who have been dedicated in their work to provide the best facilities for the club and its players,” he said.
“The Queanbeyan Tigers Club rally around whenever something needs to be done or funded, and it was great to be able to help them out with $450,000 for this major project.”