Kim Treasure has joined Region as Content Director. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
Senior regional journalist and editor Kim Treasure is joining Region Media in the role of content director as the media group continues to expand across the NSW South East.
Most recently, Kim was Australian Community Media’s managing editor for NSW South with responsibility for around 40 mastheads. Her role will be to oversee content and staffing across the RiotACT, About Regional, RiotACT China and Region’s multiple social media properties.
Kim is a journalist to her bootstraps: she grew up on a family farm near Cowra and tossed in university for an old-fashioned cadetship with The Newcastle Herald. She spent more than 20 years as a journalist with ABC South East before editing the Bay Post and moving into management of what was then the Fairfax regional stable.
Kim lives with her family on a block backing onto bush at Malua Bay. She brings strong community values to her new role with Region Media.
“My passion is providing a voice for communities and the little people – that’s our role as regional journalists”, she says. “I think we can shine a light on injustice.
“I love telling stories because what we do connects communities. That’s crucially important in the current times.
“I think it’s really significant that Region’s journalists are absolutely embedded in their communities. They live and work in the regions, they know the people they’re writing about and what they’re going through. Region’s coverage of the fires over summer is a really good example of that.”
Region Media co-director Michael McGoogan says the group is delighted to welcome Kim into the fold with all the strong regional media experience she brings to bear.
“Region Media is founded on providing public interest journalism for regional communities”, he says. “Kim has a deep understanding of how important that is and as the organisation grows and develops, her outstanding skills are very welcome.”
Region Media now reaches more than 500,000 unique visitors across the Capital Region every month, with 1.3 million page views and a 300,000-strong aggregated social media following. In addition to the Canberra team, Region journalists report from the South West Slopes and Tablelands, Mid and Far South Coast, Queanbeyan and Braidwood.
Kim will also be writing for Region Media about the Batemans Bay Area and says she’s eagerly anticipating a return to telling her hometown’s stories again. She’s keen for locals to reach out with stories and ideas from her own backyard as Region Media consolidates its coverage.
“At a time when resources are diminishing across the media landscape it’s exciting to be part of a company that’s committed to growing its regional presence,” Kim says.
Contact Kim Treasure via email on [email protected] or the About Regional team on [email protected].
Original Article published by Genevieve Jacobs on The RiotACT.