An artist’s impression of the new shared path which will be part of the Imlay Street and Albert Terrace upgrade in Eden. Image: Supplied.
Bega Valley Shire Council has awarded the contract for the Imlay Street and Albert Terrace upgrade in Eden to local company John Michelin and Son Pty Ltd, with work scheduled to begin at the end of the summer school holidays.
Councillors voted in favour of awarding the contract to the local business at an ordinary council meeting held this week.
The work will include improvements to the intersection of Imlay Street and Albert Terrace; construction of a shared path on the eastern side of Albert Terrace; revitalised public space on the southeast side of the Albert Terrace and Museum Street intersection; and renewal and upgrade of existing infrastructure, including pavements and kerbs.
Bega Valley Shire Council project manager Sam Watson said the project is an important upgrade to the vehicle and pedestrian infrastructure that connects the Port of Eden to the town.
“It’s the first part of a larger project to improve this very important transport link, and provides a better connection between the port and Eden’s main business district in Imlay Street,” he said.
The project will include new landscaping and seating – to beautify public space and encourage people to use and enjoy new paths and road crossings – road resurfacing and installation of clear signage to guide visitors.
The project will begin soon after the school holiday period has ended and is estimated to take about six months to complete, depending on weather.
Work will be undertaken in stages to reduce the inconvenience for road users, residents and businesses. Council will keep the community informed about each stage of the project and the impact on traffic as it unfolds.