Big Jack Mountain and Creewah Fires upgraded to Watch and Act on Friday, 31 January.
Ahead of high temperatures and significantly increased risk this weekend, the Big Jack Mountain fire near Rocky Hall was upgraded to Watch and Act at about 1pm. The Creewah fire was also upgraded to Watch and Act at about 2.15pm.
Earlier today, Marty Webster of the Far South Coast RFS acknowledged that both fires have the potential to run and become difficult to control. He advised residents in the Mount Darragh, Wyndham, Rocky Hall, New Buildings and Burragate areas to consider relocating.
Here’s the latest advice from official channels about both fires.
Big Jack Mountain fire (Bega Valley)
The NSW Rural Fire Service says the Big Jack Mountain fire is burning in the area north west of Big Jack Mountain Rd and south of Mt Darragh Rd. It’s over 1000 hectares in size and is currently being controlled. The fire has crossed the Mount Darragh Rd west of Mt Darragh.
This fire has been moving slowly but active weather will cause flare-ups and the fire is in difficult country, both steep and rocky.
Firefighters have been working with aircraft, retardant and heavy machinery to slow the fire’s progress but it has continued to burn and is predicted to increase again today.
There is potential for the fire to move into Rocky Hall if conditions allow.
Advice: In the Mt Darragh area, conditions are changing and fire activity has increased. Check and follow your Bush Fire Survival Plan and prepare for a bushfire in your area. If you do not have a plan know what you will do if the fire threatens. Leaving early is your safest option.
Rocky Hall, New Buildings, Burragate and Wyndham residents are being told that under forecast conditions your safest option is to leave early. Consider relocating to coastal towns before conditions deteriorate. Know what you will do if the fire threatens. You should also monitor major fire updates for the Postmans Trail fire and Border Fire.
Creewah Fire (Snowy Monaro)
A bushfire is burning in the Glen Allen area. The fire has burnt more than 3500 hectares and is currently out of control in the area of the New Line Road and Creewah Road intersection in Glen Allen.
Fire activity continues in the vicinity of Creewah Road and the Bombala River to the east of Poddy Hut Rd on the western side of the fire ground. Firefighters supported by aircraft are working to slow the spread of fire.
Weather conditions are expected to deteriorate from today and hot, dry and windy conditions are forecast.
Advice: If you are in the area of Creewah Road, New Line Road, Narrowness Road and the Glen Allen area monitor conditions and know what you will do if fire threatens.
If you are threatened by fire, do not be in the path of the fire. Protect yourself from the heat of the fire. Wear protective clothing and footwear. Cover all exposed skin.
If the fire impacts, seek shelter in a solid structure to protect yourself from the heat of the fire. If your life is at risk, call Triple Zero (000).
You can continue to stay up to date with the bush fire situation by checking http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au, listening to your local radio station or calling the NSW RFS Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737. Fire updates will be also broadcast on the Bega Valley Shire Council’s Facebook page.
For information on road closures, check http://livetraffic.rta.nsw.gov.au. Roads may be closed without warning.
People are also advised to use their headlights when driving at this time and limit the use of town water.