Domestic goats (not pictured) were illegally shot at a rural property near Bredbo, south of Canberra. Photo: NSW DPI.
Several goats had to be put down after they were allegedly illegally shot and injured at a rural property on the Monaro.
NSW Police allege a 67-year-old man from Sydney used a rifle to shoot at a herd of domestic goats at the Colinton property, near Bredbo, and injured several of the animals on 28 September.
Six goats had to be euthanised due to the extent of their injuries.
Police also allege the man did not have permission to shoot the goats on the property and he put the landholder in danger by shooting there.
He was charged with shooting a firearm in manner that could injure persons or property, committing an act of cruelty on an animal and seriously injuring an animal.
The man’s NSW firearms licence was suspended, his guns were seized by police and he is due to appear before Cooma Local Court on 8 December.