Those with a shovel: Acting Deputy Director, Clinical Operations, Sth Region NSW Ambulance – Mark Gibbs, Member for Monaro – John Barilaro and petition organiser – Deborah Olde. Photos: Supplied.
A hole in the ground this week signals a start to construction works on the new NSW Ambulance station at Bungendore.
Member for Monaro, John Barilaro turned the first sod on Monday (14 January) alongside some of those who signed a community petition calling for the facility.
Over 2000 people signed the petition which called for a more local service rather than relying on Queanbeyan.
Petition coordinator Deborah Olde says, “I am so so proud today to be here and be a part of this, it’s magical.”
Once completed, the multi-million dollar Bungendore Ambulance Station will include:
- Internal parking for up to three emergency ambulance vehicles;
- A delivery and loading bay;
- Relief quarters and amenities;
- Staff parking;
- Administration and office areas;
- Logistics and storage areas.
“In early 2018, the community got behind the need for the ambulance station, with an outstanding response to the petition and submissions including stories of elderly residents waiting for urgent assistance, parents of young children in moments of panic, and members of the Rural Fire Service in situations where they had to administer high levels of medical care,” Mr Barilaro says.
“Establishing this new station will ensure that when residents are in a dire situation, they will know help is not far away.
“I have no doubt the establishment of this new ambulance station will save lives.”
Bungendore, your ambulance station is on its way! Today I turned the sod to mark the start of construction of the new ambulance station, which will service communities across the Bungendore region. We know response times are critical, and with this new facility, there's no doubt lives will be saved and people will receive urgent care when they need it.
Posted by John Barilaro on Sunday, January 13, 2019
The aim for the new station on King Street is that it will meet current and future demand for mobile emergency medical care in Bungendore and the surrounding region.
“Bungendore’s population will continue to increase, as will traffic along the Kings Highway, and this new station will lower response times and increase response capabilities,” Mr Barilaro says.
The construction contract has been awarded to the Patterson Building Group, with construction expected to be completed in 12 months.

An artist’s impression of the new Bungendore Ambulance Station.