The Kokoda Company will again lead the Cooma Anzac Day march next Tuesday. Photo: Gail Eastaway.
Anzac Day will be commemorated throughout the Snowy Monaro region next Tuesday, with nine towns or villages set to hold either a dawn or morning service or both.
In Cooma, the morning service will include the announcement of the Anzac of the Year by the Cooma RSL Sub-branch.
The march will include a combined Cooma District and Canberra City Band and be led by Kokoda Company, from the Royal Military College, Duntroon.
The Anzac address will be given by Director-General of Logistics, Royal Australian Navy, Commodore Nathan Robb.
In Bombala, an afternoon of sports and challenges will also be part of the commemorations.
Anzac Day services will be held in the following towns:
Adaminaby – marchers should assemble at the Big Trout at 10:30 am for a step-off for the March to the Memorial for the main service at 11 am.
The Adaminaby Red Cross will host a morning tea after the service for a donation. Two-up will be held from 2 pm at the Snowgoose Hotel and the Adaminaby Bowling Club.
Berridale – marchers should assemble at the Berridale War Memorial precinct for a dawn service at 6 am.
The main service will be held at 11:15 am with a lunch fundraiser and two-up from 12:30 pm at the Coolamatong Country Club.
Bombala – a dawn service will be held from 6:15 am at the cenotaph.
The morning service will be held at 11 am following the march down Maybe Street.
A sports day will also be held at the Bombala Exhibition ground from noon.
Bredbo – marchers should assemble at 10 am at the corner of Bunyan and Walker Streets for the march to the fire shed and memorial for a service. The Bredbo Community Association and Bredbo Men’s Shed will host refreshments following the service.
Cooma – a dawn service will be held at the cenotaph from 5:45 am. Marchers should assemble in Centennial Park for a step-off at 5:30 am.
A gunfire breakfast will be available at Cooma Ex-Services Club after the service.
Marchers in the main parade should assemble near Macks Corner by 10:30 am for the 10:55 am service at the cenotaph.
Delegate – a dawn service will begin at 6 am followed by a gunfire breakfast at Delegate RSL Hall.
The main service will be held at 10:30 am followed by lunch and two-up at the Country Club from midday.
Jindabyne – a dawn service will be held from 5:45 am followed by breakfast in the Memorial Hall, provided by Jindabyne Lions Club.
Marchers should assemble in the old town centre carpark at 9:30 am for the march to Banjo Paterson Park for the morning service.
This will be followed by lunch provided by the CWA morning tea, for a gold coin donation.
A lunch will be held at the Banjo Paterson Inn for service and ex-service personnel and guests.
Michelago – a morning service will be held from 10 am at the railway station. Participants are invited to lay a wreath and are also encouraged to bring a plate for a shared morning tea after the service.