21 June 2024

Weapons, allegedly stolen vehicles seized during police raids in Bungendore and Queanbeyan

| Claire Fenwicke
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allegedly stolen vehicle

The first search warrant in Bungendore turned up weapons and allegedly stolen vehicles. Photo: NSW Police.

Two men have been charged with multiple theft and firearms offences following two separate police raids in the Monaro region.

In May, Rural Crime Investigators began probing into motor vehicle thefts which had been occurring since January in the ACT, Hume and Monaro police districts.

This led them to execute a search warrant on a Bungendore home on 22 May.

Officers seized three vehicles, a trailer, motorcycle and number plates, all of which police alleged were stolen.

Knuckle dusters and ammunition were also seized.

A 23-year-old man was arrested on the scene and taken to Queanbeyan Police Station, where he was charged with 12 offences.

He was released on conditional bail and is set to return to court on 1 July.

READ ALSO Charges laid after police allegedly seize vapes worth combined $700k in separate incidents

Further inquiries led to officers executing another search warrant on Wednesday (19 June) at a Queanbeyan home.

Firearms, prohibited drugs and allegedly stolen property were seized.

A 30-year-old man was arrested at the scene and charged with six offences.

He’s been granted conditional bail to appear before Queanbeyan Local Court on 22 July.

Investigations are continuing.

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