The preferred strategic corridor for Moruya bypass. Image: Supplied.
Eurobodalla motorists, frustrated by traffic congestion and delays through the Moruya township, are being invited to have their say on the proposed route for a bypass.
Member for Bega Andrew Constance said the chosen corridor would be used to develop design options for Moruya bypass in the next phase of the project.
“Bypass connections to the Princes Highway will be investigated as the project progresses, following consideration of further community feedback along with more traffic and environmental studies,” he said.
“The proposed route would start near Shelley Road and would enable connectivity to the North Moruya industrial area.
“A new bridge would also be built about 2km east of the existing bridge, south of Moruya River, crossing South Head Road and reconnecting with the existing highway near Mountain View Road.
“Our local towns are often congested with traffic that has no need to, or no intention of, stopping. We want to get them out of town and free our local streets for those who do want to stay and visit.”
Mr Constance said Moruya residents are also frustrated by not being able to get to the shops without long waits, especially during peak tourist periods.
NSW Senator Perin Davey encouraged the community to attend upcoming information sessions and have their say on the project, which forms part of the $1.5 billion Princes Highway corridor upgrades.
“The proposed bypass is approximately 8km long and has been designed to deliver safer journeys on the Princes Highway, reduce congestion and remove heavy vehicles from the town centre,” she said.
“In addition to improving public transport, pedestrian and cyclist networks, this upgrade promises to increase the transport efficiency of freight operators.”
The preferred strategic corridor option can be viewed here.
The community can comment until Monday, 14 June, and can meet the project team at the following information sessions:
- Session 1 – Saturday, 22 May, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at Moruya Country Markets, Riverfront Park, Moruya.
- Session 2 – Tuesday, 25 May, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Mechanics Institute, Page Street, Moruya.
- Session 3 – Tuesday, 25 May, 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm at SAGE Farmers Market, Riverfront Park, Moruya.
- Session 4 – Thursday, 27 May, 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Mechanics Institute, Page Street, Moruya.
You need to register to attend session 2 or session 4 to adhere to current COVID-19 health guidelines.
You can also join an online Q&A on Facebook on Friday, 21 May, 2021, between 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm.