Plans are on track for the $30 million Goulburn Aquatic and Leisure Centre redevelopment to open on 25 March 2022. Photo: Goulburn Mulwaree Council.
Goulburn region swimmers rejoice! The long-awaited aquatic and leisure centre redevelopment in Goulburn is set to open in early 2022, with work on the $30 million project already beginning to wind down.
Guests have been treated to a sneak peek inside the new development and were made aware of the projected 25 March opening date.
“It’s been a long time coming,” said Goulburn Amateur Swimming Club President James Douglas.
Historically, Goulburn swimmers have had to train six months on, six months off compared to many surrounding clubs which have access to facilities that allow them to train all year round.
“It’s going to put us on a much more even playing field when it comes to winter meets, which is actually a short-course season, so that means it’s in a 25-metre pool,” Mr Douglas said.
“We had a tour (of the redeveloped Goulburn facility) … and the 25-metre pool and the blocks look awesome, so we’re extremely excited to get the opportunity to move in there soon.”
The 2021 season has been particularly frustrating for the club, with the majority of Friday night swimming meets so far this summer period cancelled due to rain. It’s an issue they will no longer face when the indoor pool is ready.
“It’s going to be a lot comfier for spectators and competitors obviously, and will allow us to sure up that stop-gap in people’s training and fitness,” said Mr Douglas.
“We’ll hopefully be able to have more people competing at a high level.”
The club is also hoping the new facilities will help prevent the mass exodus of swimmers they see when they hit the teenage age groups.
“With all swimming clubs, they seem to drop out around that 14, 15, 16 age, when other sports get more demanding and school gets more demanding,” said Mr Douglas.
“Hopefully this will give us the opportunity to try to encourage those people to stay longer in the sport, as they get more competitive in the sport as well.”
The pool will be one of only three pools in the surrounding region to have touchpad timing technology installed in the lanes.
The project looks set to be completed slightly ahead of schedule, as the original predictions from council were for an April opening date.
It will include refurbishment of the existing indoor 25m pool, an additional 10-lane 25m indoor pool, a hydrotherapy pool, outdoor water play area, café, new changerooms and amenities and car parking and landscaping upgrades.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council General Manager Warwick Bennett said there was plenty of excitement when community members inspected the redevelopment recently.
“This is going to be a fabulous new facility for our region, which will incorporate a number of improvements such as a specific learn to swim program pool, water play elements for young children and a hydrotherapy pool,” said Mr Bennett.
“We look forward to opening the aquatic centre in early 2022, and I’m sure everyone will be impressed by the facility.”