A team of Future Generation Joint Venture Snowy 2.0 workers have raised more than $84,000 in Shave for a Cure, the best result for a workplace across Australia. Photo: Future Gen.
Some extraordinary locals have united the Snowy Mountains communities and led a national fundraising campaign for the World’s Greatest Shave 25th Anniversary.
The Leukaemia Foundation has proudly acknowledged and celebrated the Cooma-based World’s Greatest Shave fundraising team from Future Generation Joint Venture – Snowy 2.0 – for their extraordinary act of compassion and solidarity.
As trailblazers in fundraising efforts for the momentous 25th anniversary of World’s Greatest Shave, Future Gen’s Snowy 2.0 teammates have bravely shaved their hair, a heartwarming and generous display of support for all Australians impacted by blood cancer, including leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.
After months of unwavering commitment to the cause that affects close to 20,000 Australians each year, Future Gen’s Snowy 2.0 team brought local businesses and subcontractors together at their remote worksites to generously raise more than $84,000, which made them the highest fundraisers nationally in the ‘Workplaces’ category in 2023.
Team leader Heidi Groom explained the idea came from workmate Mitch, at Tantangara.
Of the 15-member team, one had joined the project before, but all had their personal reasons for being part of the project.
Heidi’s motivation came from losing her father to blood cancer last year. She had previously lost her mother to cancer some years prior.
Heidi and another team member chose to cut their long hair to donate for wigs, rather than shaving, but other team members went all the way, one even ending up with a mohawk, courtesy of his teammates.
She said she was happy to donate her hair to be used for wigs, as her mother had had to wear wigs while undergoing cancer treatment.
Heidi said the experience had been a great team building and morale-boosting project.
The Snowy 2.0 workforce team’s remarkable accomplishment not only aids the Leukaemia Foundation’s mission to provide vital support services for the 135,000 Australians living with blood cancer, but also advocates for equitable access to new therapies and treatments and further investment in vital research to hopefully one day find a cure for blood cancer.
Leukaemia Foundation CEO Chris Tanti thanked the Snowy 2.0 team and reinforced that funds raised ensured Australians affected by blood cancer had access to a range of vital support services such as free-of-charge accommodation during treatment, assistance with transport to appointments, education, and information about their specific type of blood cancer, as well as other practical, financial, emotional and mental health support.
This year, the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave saw Australians from all corners of the country come together in honour and support of individuals and families affected by blood cancer.
“In addition to the top fundraisers, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every participant who contributed to this year’s World’s Greatest Shave. Every dollar raised and every head shaved, cut or coloured represents a step closer to eradicating blood cancer and providing essential care and support to patients and their families,” Mr Tanti said.
“Their passion, generosity, and willingness to go above and beyond in fundraising endeavours have been awe-inspiring, motivating friends, family, and communities to rally behind them in support of this critical cause and their invaluable contributions have helped the Leukaemia Foundation reach new heights and make a real difference in the fight against blood cancer.”
The team has also expressed its thanks to the local businesses and suppliers who donated prizes for the raffles held to raise money.
Future Generation, a joint venture between Italy’s Webuild and Australia’s Clough, is building the Snowy 2.0 Project on behalf of Snowy Hydro Limited.
To find out more, sign up or donate, visit the World’s Greatest Shave website or call 1800 500 088.