The theme for TEDxSydney 2018 is HumanKind. Photo: TEDxSydney.
A world of ideas and inspiration lands in the heart of Bega this Friday (June 15) with the TEDxSydney Satelite Event at the town’s Civic Centre.
South East NSW has always been a place where informed and enlivened discussion can take place and Friday’s program is an extension of that.
TEDxSydney is the leading platform for the propagation of Australian ideas, creativity, and innovation to the rest of the world, and our live stream on Friday means you don’t need plane tickets and accommodation to take part.
This unique and vital day of talks, films, music and debate from the International Convention Centre at Darling Harbour was a local hit last year, with SouEasters drawn from Cooma, Batemans Bay, and Eden to soak up a smart program.
Being a Friday, some have to juggle work, study, and other commitments, the Civic Centre coworking space and wifi can help there, or come and go as you please. High schoolers are free – have the day off school!

Hang around for the after-party at the Civic Centre bar and continue the discussion. Photo: TEDxSydney
The theme for TEDxSydney this year is – HumanKind.
An incredible group of speakers and performers will explore the things that unite us as humans; our ingenuity, our cultures, our compassion, our kindness, and our humanity.
The TEDxSydney Satelite program:
Session 01, 8:45AM – 10:30AM
Welcome To Country
Morning Break • 10:30AM – 11:30AM
Session 02, 11:30AM – 1:00PM
Lunch Break • 1:00PM – 2:45PM
Session 03, 2:45PM – 4:15PM
Session 04, 5:00PM – 6:15PM
TEDxSydney Satelite Event, Bega After Party, till 7:30PM
Live music from Celestia featuring Andrew Gray and Celestine Janiola, tickets $10 which includes your first drink and a cheese plater.

An incredible group of speakers and performers will explore the things that unite us as humans. Photo: TEDxSydney.
This special live broadcast from Sydney puts you in the front row and is an opportunity to gather your colleagues, your community, your friends and family and ignite a discussion locally.
Tickets to the TEDxSydney Bega Satelite Event are $10 to $20, high schoolers are free. Tickets for the after party are sold separately. Register your interest and get your tickets now via TryBooking.