District Commander Superintendent Paul Condon. Photo: Monaro Police District Facebook.
The Snowy Monaro’s top cop has written to the communities he serves warning of a spike in stealing offences and asking for the community’s assistance.
The plea comes from District Commander Superintendent Paul Condon, who oversees the Monaro Police District, which covers the towns and villages between Queanbeyan, Braidwood, Cooma, Nimmitabel, Adaminaby, and Delegate.
District Commander Superintendent Condon writes:
Over the last two months the Monaro Police District has seen an increase in property offences, specifically, steal from Motor Vehicles and Break and Enters at residential properties.
We have published numerous safety messages and as the Commander, I am frustrated in the continual issue of houses and cars being left unlocked.
More than 70% of the houses and cars that have been broken into are left unlocked or open. They have open windows, unlocked doors or even open doors. We have also seen numerous instances where keys are left in cars, or keys for cars left in open view within houses.
This makes our job even harder as the offenders often don’t need house or car breaking implements and walk the streets trying cars and house door with success.
As my officers are committed police officers entrusted with protecting the community I ask you to help us protect you.
This can be simply achieved by locking your cars and houses, taking your keys out of your car when you leave it and not leaving these keys in open.
Please think about this and what you could to lose. Help us protect you and your families.
Thank you
Paul Condon
Commander Monaro Police District.