An artist’s impression of Cobargo’s new Murrabrine Bridge on Wandella Road. Photo: Bega Valley Shire Council.
Improved road safety is on the horizon for Cobargo with major works for the NSW South Coast town’s new Murrabrine Bridge, on Wandella Road, set to begin in mid-August.
Bega Valley Shire Council Mayor Russell Fitzpatrick said the existing bridge is fast approaching the end of its practical asset life and its replacement is essential for public safety and amenity, especially because it is on a vital service and emergency access route.
“Wandella Road provides the only practical road link from Cobargo and the Princes Highway to the public school, fire shed, homes and properties,” he said.
“It’s also an important access way for the primary producers of Wandella and Yowrie.”
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Recent routine inspections and testing identified that several timber girders, as well as the pedestrian footway, need to be renewed to maintain the bridge’s existing capacity.
Mr Fitzpatrick said the new bridge will retain hallmarks of the original historic structure through careful detailing of the railings, street furniture and light fittings to the pedestrian footway.
There will also be an enhanced intersection design to the Princes Highway, improvements to Wandella Road, and drainage and environmental improvements.
“The outcome will be a structure with a single concrete pier in the creek bed – a vast improvement over the existing three rusting steel stanchions on the existing bridge,” said Mr Fitzpatrick.
“The intersection will be safer with better sight lines, less risk of accidents and adaptation for traffic lights should they be required in the future.”
At least one lane will be open for traffic at all times during the works.
The new bridge is being funded by both the Federal Government and NSW Government.
Council said local consultants, suppliers, accommodation and subcontractors will be used throughout the project wherever practicable.