Nimmitabel’s Lake Wallace Dam. The darker colour indicates where the normal water level sits. Photo: Supplied.
Dry times continue to bite in Southern New South Wales with Snowy Monaro Regional Council flagging level 3 water restrictions for residents in Bombala, Delegate and Nimmitabel from this Saturday and asking the rest of the region to be extra water-wise.
“Due to the prolonged dry weather conditions, flows to the Coolumbooka River, Delegate River and Lake Wallace Dam have decreased,” a Council spokesperson says.
“As a result of these conditions, there is less available water at the Bombala, Delegate and Nimmitabel water treatment plants and reservoirs.”
Residents in all three towns will be asked to live under level 3 water restrictions until further notice, starting this Saturday – December 14.
“These restrictions will apply to all properties connected to the Bombala, Delegate and Nimmitabel water supply schemes,” Council says.
“More stringent restrictions may be imposed should conditions fail to improve.
“Under Section 637 of the Local Government Act 1993, a person who willfully or negligently wastes or misuses water from the public water supply, or causes any such water to be wasted, is guilty of an offence for which the maximum penalty is a fine of $2,200.”
What do level 3 water restrictions mean…

Residents of Adaminaby, Berridale, Bredbo, Cooma, Dalgety, Eucumbene Cove, Jindabyne, East Jindabyne and Kalkite are asked to conserve water in light of the ongoing drought.
Council says it thanks the community for its ongoing cooperation and for conserving water.