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Cooma Lions Club are again acting as ‘Santa’s Little Helper’ ensuring that letters from the children of Cooma and the Snowy Monaro get to the big fella before Christmas.
Kids should write their letters, addressed to ‘Santa at the North Pole’ and drop them into Cooma and district post offices. No postage stamp is required, instead, local post offices have set up an express ‘Santa Mail Post Box’ especially for the letters.
For the last 17-years, Cooma Lions Club and Santa’s Workshop at the North Pole have worked together to deliver and respond to each letter.
Speaking to Region Media, Santa says, “Cooma Lions Club never stop.”
“From playgrounds to disaster relief, to barbeques and student exchange programs, it’s been a busy year for Lions so I am very grateful for their support at this busy time of year.
“Children can write whatever they like, I enjoy reading of a night with a glass of something.
“Sometimes I hear about the events of the past year, and of course I am always interested in their wish list,” Santa says.
Cooma Lions Club asks that each letter includes the child’s name, age, and address.