The main street of Cooma. Photo: File.
A Jerrabomberra woman will face charges via video link in Wollongong for allegedly coughing on members of the public as she walked past them in Cooma.
Police arrested the 41-year-old Jerrabomberra woman at the intersection of Sharp Street and Bombala Street in Cooma on Wednesday (1 April).
A NSW Police spokesperson said the woman allegedly stepped in front of another woman and intentionally coughed in her direction.
The woman allegedly continued to cough at members of the public as she walked past them, including a woman with a young child.
The matters were reported to police and officers from the Monaro Police District arrested the woman a short time later.
It’s alleged that the woman did not have a valid reason for being at the location and was contravening a Public Health Order.
She was taken to Cooma Police Station where she was charged with two counts of ‘stalk intimidate intend to cause fear physical harm’ and ‘not comply with a notice or direction under the Public Health Act’.
The woman was refused bail and is due to face Wollongong Local Court via audio-video link today (2 April).
NSW Police Force Commissioner Mick Fuller said that officers would continue to enforce the Public Health Order to stop the spread of COVID-19 virus.
“You must stay at home unless you have a reasonable excuse for leaving.
“Shopping for food, travel to work or school, medical treatment or exercise are all reasonable excuses.
“The important thing is that people comply with the two-person rule when doing exercise, or that you only exercise with your household.
“Treat every situation like you have the virus,” Commissioner Fuller said.