The Snowy Mountains Highway on Brown Mountain has been unstable for many years, and will receive much needed maintenance work beginning on 19 April. Photo: NSW Roads and Maritime Services.
The highway on the NSW Far South Coast’s Brown Mountain will be closed at night for two months to allow for roadworks to take place.
Transport for NSW said the upcoming maintenance work includes a $2.2 million slope stabilisation.
It follows heavy rain to the region in March, which saw the Snowy Mountains Highway closed for a time due to landslides.
The Snowy Mountains Highway will be closed for eight weeks from 19 April on Sundays to Thursdays, 7 pm to 7 am, in both directions on Brown Mountain between Wattle Road and Buckleys Road.
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Detours will be in place via the Princes Highway or Imlay Road, and the Monaro Highway, which is expected to add up to 1.5 hours to journeys.
Daytime work will also be carried out between 7 am and 7 pm from Monday to Friday, with single lane closures and a reduced speed limit of 40km/h. Motorists can expect delays of up to 15 minutes.
A single lane closure will be in place on three weekends during the work: 1-2 May, 8-9 May and 15-16 May.
Check Traffic Live for further details and updates: https://www.livetraffic.com/incident-details/87547