Snow at Victoria Park, Goulburn. Photo: Goulburn-Mulwaree Council.
Goulburn has woken to one of the biggest snow falls in recent memory, with falls beginning at 11:00 pm on Monday and continuing until 7:30 am today.
Mayor Bob Kirk, who lives on the edge of the historic city, says his place received about four inches or snow, and throughout the town a three-inch cover had settled.
“It was a total surprise. Rain was forecast and we woke to this! There is not much growth about, so it’s just what was needed. We’re drought-affected and had about 17 mm of rain.”
Mr Kirk says the snow stretches from Gunning to the west and Bungonia to the east. Bungonia received between four and five inches.
“It is a nice surprise,” Mayor Kirk says.
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It remains to be seen how many buses from outlying areas are able to negotiate roads into Goulburn because of fallen timber or power lines.
“I was out taking some snaps earlier this morning and could hear the branches cracking under the weight,” Mr Kirk says. “It was quite extraordinary. It is the most snow I have ever seen in my time in Goulburn.”
This is the third dump of snow Goulburn has received this year. In previous years, snow has fallen as late as October and once at Christmas time.

More ‘Sprin-ter’ than Spring in Braidwood this morning. Photo: Alex Rea.

Corang near Nerriga. Photo: Tracey Davis.

Tarago, south of Goulburn. Photo: Fiona McNeill.

North Goulburn. Photo: Debra Dudgeon.

Primrose Valley. Photo: Dave Wilkinson.

Goulburn. Photo: Nathan Smorhun.

At the back of Braidwood. Photo: Angela Hunter.
Original Article published by John Thistleton on The RiotACT.