Would you like to have your say on what you’d like to see in your neighbourhood? Photo: Goulburn Mulwaree Council.
More paths, parks or parking? Better lighting or more public art? Dog parks or playgrounds?
These questions and more are being asked in the 2021 Australian Liveability Census which allows Australians the chance to offer their own suggestions on what they’d like to see happening in their neighbourhood.
In return, you’ll be in the running to win one of 10 $100 vouchers that can be used at more than 80 retailers.
It’s being described as the biggest social research project in Australian history and it’s already underway. The survey will close on Wednesday 30 June and only takes an average of 15 minutes to complete.
The survey is being run by Place Score with support from the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and and Resources.
The survey is open to anyone in Australia including those in rural and urban areas.
Regional councils such as Goulburn Mulwaree are particularly keen to encourage people to get involved.
Mayor Bob Kirk said the region had recently focused on liveability with their recent projects which include the river walkway network, Aquatic Centre Redevelopment and the CBD beautification projects.
“This census is a really good opportunity for our community to have a say on a national level, but from this we will be able to draw out information submitted by our residents into a report
focused on the region. This will be valuable for the next group of councillors to be elected in September in planning for the future,” he explained.
According to Place Score, the findings will capture community values and ensure neighbourhood performance across the country.
Place Score aims to engage communities so that any kind of expansion or development occurs in line with the community’s wishes. They acknowledge that traditional forums for voices to be heard often struggle to engage culturally diverse representatives, youth and other hard to reach groups.
The data will be accessible to all levels of government and will help to determine community values in the post-COVID world.
Participate in the survey now.