A new case of COVID-19 has been detected in a Goulburn resident, who works in the ACT. Photo: File.
Goulburn residents are being urged to be alert but not alarmed after a resident tested positive to COVID-19.
Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) said there were no public exposure sites related to the case. The person involved works in the ACT and has a residential address in Goulburn.
A spokesperson said contact tracing has been completed by the public health team and the individual was not active in the community for any portion of their infectious period.
A small number of close contacts have been identified and are in isolation, with follow up completed and testing underway.
The case, which is linked to one of the ACT exposure sites, was reported overnight and will be included in tomorrow’s numbers.
The SNSWLHD is working in close partnership with ACT Public Health to ensure fast and effective contact tracing and response is coordinated across the region.
The quick notification process between the two jurisdictions allowed a rapid response to be completed as soon as the positive test result was received.
Additional testing capacity has been set up in Goulburn from Wednesday afternoon at the Goulburn Hospital COVID testing clinic. Capital Pathology is also conducting a drive through clinic, where no booking is required, in Bourke Street. Enter via Bourke Street, south bound only. Staff will come to your vehicle and provide a QR code for you to complete registration on your own device. .
Southern NSW Local Health District is urging anyone feeling unwell – even with the mildest of symptoms such as a runny nose, scratchy or sore throat, cough, fever, shortness of breath, headache, tiredness, loss of taste or smell, nausea, diarrhoea or muscle aches – to self-isolate and seek COVID-19 testing.
There were 22 new cases of COVID-19 in the ACT today, 18 August, but health authorities say they have succeeded in linking all but four of Canberra’s cases to other known diagnoses.
Many of the new diagnoses are among younger people and the median age of those affected is 19.5 years. Seventeen cases have been linked to Lyneham High School resulting in thousands of students, staff and families entering quarantine.
The situation is more dire in NSW, where health authorities recorded a massive jump in locally-acquired cases. The state recorded 633 new cases, four of which were from the Illawarra/Shoalhaven areas.
At least 62 cases were infectious while in the community.
In western NSW, there were 23 new cases – 21 in Dubbo, one in Mudgee and one in Bourke.
Three people died of COVID-19 during the same 24-hour period, including a man in his late 60s in Liverpool hospital who was unvaccinated, two men in their late 70s at Nepean Hospital one unvaccinated and one with just one dose.