We Care’s Alex King shows off eco-friendly takeaway packaging. Photo: Eurobodalla Council.
The move towards a greener, healthier planet continues with Eurobodalla Shire Council offering discounted sustainable takeaway food packaging for businesses.
According to the federal government, 3.5 million tonnes of plastics were used in Australia in the 2018-19 financial year and only 11.5 per cent of these were recycled or recovered.
While the amount of plastic being recovered has steadily been increasing from the early 2000s, the government also estimates that plastic in the oceans will outweigh fish by 2050.
With the aim of addressing the plastic program, Eurobodalla Council’s We Care program helps businesses transition from single-use plastics by providing more sustainable packaging options.
We Care project officer Alex King said the current mandate on takeaway food and drinks was placing extra pressure on businesses on top of an already adverse year.
“It is important we continue to support businesses who are wanting to make the transition away from single-use plastics, and equally as important to support businesses that already have,” she said.
“Transitions are not simple at the best of times and we want to do our best to ensure that sustainable behaviours are maintained throughout the trials and tribulations we face as a community.”
Ms King said COVID-19 restrictions provided an opportunity for residents to consider how they could shake up old habits – bringing their own reusable cutlery, coffee cup and bags to restaurants, cafes or stores is a great place to start.
“Despite everything going on, there is an opportunity for us as consumers to focus on behavioural changes we may have passed off as ‘too hard’ to do or ‘too busy’ to focus on in the past,” she said.
Businesses that want to access the discounted sustainable takeaway food packages can get in contact with Ms King who will arrange a time to discuss what options are available according to the needs of the business.
A range of eco-friendly takeaway packaging is available, including cups, straws, containers, cutlery and bags. We Care can also help to source and sample other items by request.
Businesses or residents wanting to learn more about We Care can contact Ms King on 0417 953 014, email [email protected] or visit www.esc.nsw.gov.au/wecare.