Yass Valley Council has moved it’s COVID-19 testing facility from the former Landmark building to Walker Park sporting complex. Photo: Supplied.
Yass Valley Council has moved its drive-through COVID-19 testing facility from the former Landmark building on MacDonald Street to the Walker Park sporting complex on Merriman Drive in Yass.
Council has also reduced the hours the testing station will be open. The revised opening hours are from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday to Friday.
The Landmark site was sold in June 2021 to CVC Investments for $3.2 million it was reported at the time.
The near 8000-square-metre Landmark building was purpose-built for the agricultural supply business, and is one of the largest commercial sites in Yass.
It had been on the market for some time.
Although it had been used successfully as a drive-through COVID-19 testing facility since the latest outbreak of the virus in the region, long queues had increasingly caused traffic issues at the entrance into Yass. However, demand had recently started to decline with more Yass residents now vaccinated.
But the COVID-19 outbreak continues to affect a number of Yass Valley Council services.
Yass Valley Library, Yass Valley Information Centre and Yass Valley Council offices remain closed to the public.
Parents at home with children are invited to check out Yass Valley Library’s Facebook page for fun ideas to keep youngsters occupied during the COVID-19 lockdown. They can also call the library on 02 6226 1305.
Yass Transfer Station remains open for Yass Valley residents, but only for locals who don’t have garbage pick-up services, and for those needing to dispose of essential waste.
The district’s sports fields, public toilets and parks remain open, but everyone is urged to practice safe distancing.