The Instagram World Record Egg. Photo: Instagram.
The picture of a perfect, beautiful egg has created a social media storm this month becoming the most popular photo ever on Instagram.
Those behind the picture of this golden nugget of protein set out to beat the previous record. Set in February last year, Kylie Jenner, star of ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ announced the birth of her daughter Stormi using a photo of the baby’s fingers wrapped around her own thumb, that resulted in 18.7 million likes.
The World Record Egg is headed towards 51 million likes.

The Pearson’s Siamese egg, laid by a Rhode Island Red west of Bega. Photo: Cathy Smith.
So what will the world do when they see the egg the Pearson family recently found under a Rhode Island Red west of Bega?
About Regional Facebook Friend Cathy Smith alerted us to the delivery which the Pearson’s gave her son Milton as a bit of fun.
Anne Pearson says she has never seen anything like.
“We moved here 13 years ago and have always kept chooks, and my husband’s family have always had chooks and Barry says he has never seen anything like it either,” Anne says.
The Pearson’s have 12 chooks at Kanoona, near Candelo. Mostly Rhode Island Red and Whites that they purchased from Brian Larkin Poultry at Tahmoor.
Anne says her girls favourite food is rice or pasta in amongst kitchen scraps, mash, and pellets, “and the odd mouse they catch.”
Region Media Chook Chat writer, Cheryl Nelson is just as surprised as the Pearsons.
“I’ve seen double and even triple yolkers, bumpy eggs, wrinkled eggs, soft eggs, ‘fart’ eggs and even eggs within eggs but a siamese egg is a first for me!” Cheryl says.
“An interesting mishap in the final stage of egg development but not a cause for concern unless the deformities continue.
“Just one of those oddities nature throws up from time to time.”