Still photo from Paul McDermott’s ‘Ghostbear’ animation, screening at Flickerfest in Merimbula. Photo supplied
The About Regional team have put together a list of events, exhibitions and activities for the first weekend of the April school holidays, indoor and outdoor, wet and dry, sporty or not – something to stimulate everyone…
Refugees visiting Merimbula and Pambula, Thursday 11th to Sunday 14th April
The first of three weekend visits this year by refugee groups to the Sapphire Coast.
Guests will arrive in Merimbula on Thursday and will stay with host families before participating in a school visit on Friday morning. Saturday will incorporate beach time at Pambula Beach under the watchful eye of local lifesavers, many in the group have never seen the ocean. Sunday morning the region’s guests assemble in Merimbula before having lunch and returning to Canberra.
This event complements the ongoing monthly MAGIC meetings, and the many other activities such as the literacy program, homelessness solutions, grants and scholarships to local students supported by the Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast. Interested in helping or just coming along to enjoy the experience? You are most welcome, contact Gavin – [email protected]
Flickerfest comes to Merimbula
Fri 12th Apr, 7.30pm – Best Of Australian Shorts – 2019 Tour – $18
Sat 13th Apr, 7.30pm – Short Laughs Comedy – 2019 Tour – $18
Venue & Tickets: Club Sapphire
Information: 6496 1364
Tickets also available at the door
Doors Open: 7pm, programs start 7.30pm
Flickerfest is the nation’s most popular festival of Australian short films, and with two great programs, just $18 per night – this is your only chance to catch these award-winning short films on the Far South Coast.
Flickerfest is considered in international circles as the leading Australian competitive short film festival and increasingly filmmakers view it as one of the main festivals on the world circuit. To maintain this high standard each year the festival director visits festivals around the world seeking new films most of which have not been seen in Australia.
See you there!
Ephemeral Festival – Panboola Wetlands, Pambula, Saturday 13th April, 9 am to 2 pm
This one-day festival celebrates the landscape of Panboola and the creativity it inspires.
Everyone is invited to come and wander the grounds of the wetlands and enjoy in-situ temporary sculptures, installations of art, craft demonstrations, acoustic music, and stalls.
Book into workshops with Shona Wilson, Gabbie Stroud, Lorna Crane and many more. Try woodcarving, brush-making, screen-printing, and nature mark making, and enjoy Fling Physical Theatre and music circles or just chill out and watch birds in the beautiful wetlands environment.
Check the Panboola website for more.

Panboola Wetlands. Photo: Supplied.
Tanja Market Day, Saturday 13th April, Tanja School, Barrabooka Rd, Tanja, from 8 am
The Tanja School P & C invites everyone to their annual fundraising market promoting homemade, homegrown, recycled and sustainable products.
Featuring LIVE MUSIC by Sydney band Pirra this is a day of delicious food, great local product, and music.
“We hope you will join us in bringing community together with good food and entertainment in the beautiful setting of the Tanja Public School,” the P&C says.
More information here
Rainbow Wave Festival, Saturday 13th April, Oaklands Event Centre, Pambula
This event will create a space to gather, celebrate and educate the community on inclusion and diversity.
The Rainbow Wave Festival will raise awareness of issues that our local and wider LGBTI community face and with a focus on the mental health and well-being of our LGBTI youth.
This youth-led event will be alcohol-free and will involve live music, speakers, dancing, activities and relevant service provider stalls. This segment is all-ages between 3 pm – 7:45 pm
From 8 pm to midnight, is over 18’s with alcohol available plus live music, dancing and more
More information here
Movie night at Kianinny Cottages, Saturday 13th April, ‘Red Dog’ Directed by Kriv Stenders, gates open 4.30 pm, tickets: $15 per person, $10 kids under 15
Join in an evening of live music, scrumptious food, delightful beers and the movie – all under the stars.
Live music by Roddy Reason, food from Eastwoods Deli including street food and Kelly’s legendary donuts. And beverages from Pambula’s Longstocking micro-brewery (no BYO food or drink please). Do bring blankets, chairs, beanbags.
Limited tickets are available. Go here for more info
Pop-Up Cinema, Berridale, Saturday 13th April, Berridale Community Centre, 10 am to 1 pm
Hosted by Snowy Monaro Regional Youth Council, celebrate Youth Week with a free film screening on a GIANT 5 metre screen.
The film will be chosen by the community via a Facebook poll! Family friendly event, free snacks provided!
For the full range of Youth Week activities across the Snowy Monaro, check the Youth Council’s Facebook page.
Grow the Music Community Concert, Sunday 14th April, Wallaga Lake Koori Village
For the fifth year in a row, ‘Grow the Music’ returns to the region spending the two weeks prior to the concert conducting music development and recording sessions for local youth.
Each year more and more people attend the Wallaga Lake Koori Community Concert, this year will be better than ever and everyone is welcome on Sunday at 3 pm. Special guest performer is Matty Walker.
Matty grew up on the Far South Coast and performs regularly on the coastal circuit. This year, Grow the Music are bringing Roy Jugadai from the Docker River Band all the way from the Northern Territory to be a mentor on the Wallaga program and to collaborate with Bermagui hip hop artist Gabadoo.
For more information get in touch with South East Arts.
Know of a local event we missed? Please share the news as a comment below. Thanks!