The North Black Range Fire Photo: Tim Wimbourne.
An Emergency Warning has been issued for the North Black Range Fire, west of Braidwood.
Just after 1 pm this afternoon, the Alert Level quickly went from Advice to Watch and Act and is currently (4:32 pm November 29) at the Emergency level.
The fire which flared yesterday is burning in the Tallaganda National Park and is burning out of control across 3900 hectares.
The latest Advice from NSW RFS as at 4:15 pm, November 29:
The fire is burning in an easterly direction towards Bombay, Little Bombay and areas to the west of Braidwood.
Embers are being blown well ahead of the main fire front threatening properties and creating spot fires well ahead of the main fire.
Fire activity has increased on the northern side of the fire, with embers being blown towards the Butmaroo area.
The fire is also burning in the areas of the Forbes Creek, Ralpine Valley, and Mount Palerang.
Under forecast Severe Fire Danger today, the fire will be difficult to control and may spread quickly.
If you are in the areas of Bombay, Little Bombay, and surrounding areas west of Braidwood take shelter as the fire approaches. Take shelter in a solid structure to protect yourself from the heat of the fire. It is too late to leave.
If you are in the area of Braidwood and Butmaroo be alert for embers that can threaten property well ahead of the main fire front. Know what you will do if the fire threatens.
If you are in the areas of Bendoura monitor conditions and know what you will do if the fire threatens.
If you are in the areas of Forbes Creek and Hoskinstown monitor conditions and know what you will do if the fire threatens.
The Kings Highway has been closed between Mayfield Road and Northangera Rd.
Only stay and defend your property if you are both physically and mentally prepared.
Monitor conditions and take advice from firefighters in the area.
If you are threatened by fire, do not be in the path of the fire. Protect yourself from the heat of the fire. Wear protective clothing and footwear. Cover all exposed skin. If the fire impacts, seek shelter in a solid structure to protect yourself from the heat of the fire.
If your life is at risk, call Triple Zero (000)
Stay up to date on bush fires in your area by checking the NSW RFS website, listening to your local radio station, or by calling the NSW RFS Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737.

Braidwood sits in between two uncontrol forest fires.
After weeks of watching our northern and southern neighbours fighting fires, the Southern Tablelands has been engulfed in thick smoke and its own bushfire emergency.
On the other side of Braidwood just over the Budawang Ranges, the Currowan Fire, north-west of Batemans Bay, is raging in difficult to access terrain.
By Friday afternoon it had burnt out over 4793 hectares and jumped the Clyde River to the east.
The Kings Highway remains open although smoke haze is thick.
Southern NSW Local Health District is today urging people with respiratory conditions to take extra care, with concerns poor air quality may affect their breathing.
A spokesperson for Southern NSW Local Health District says, “People are advised to take precautions and stay indoors to avoid irritations to the eyes, nose and throat, and to avoid aggravating existing lung and heart conditions.”
For updates and advice on preparing for bushfire, check the NSW RFS website.

The North Black Range Fire in Tallaganda National Park . Photo: Tim Wimbourne