The Bega Valley Shire Council has launched a support program to help businesses grow by securing crucial funding. Photo: Supplied.
It has been a rough few years for Bega Valley businesses coming off the back of the Black Summer bushfires and the COVID pandemic, but the creation of a business program aims to support growth and bring industries together.
The region’s council is now encouraging local businesses to sign up for the program’s free webinars when they kick off in June.
Bega Valley Shire Council’s economic development officer Peter Wild said the Business Activator program would foster local industry leadership across all business sectors and provide targeted support to emerging industries.
“The program will also encourage local business collaboration and development through mentoring, training and a series of networking events over the next 12 months, starting in June,” Mr Wild said.
Business Activator coordinator Rhys Treloar said the program would be a driving mechanism in bringing industries together and supporting the growth of local businesses across the Bega Valley.
“Whether businesses are looking to build capability and resilience or branch into new activities, Business Activator will help them through a range of tailored mentoring and workshops, including business planning and strategy, productivity, financial management, marketing and succession planning,” Mr Treloar said.
“The program will support our region’s traditional strengths in agriculture, forestry, manufacturing, tourism and aquaculture while encouraging new-business innovation and collaboration through key partnerships with industry groups such as the Bega Valley Business Forum.”
The free, one-hour Getting Grant Ready webinars will be held from 6 pm on 13 and 26 June for businesses or community organisations.
They aim to inform participants on how to prepare for future grant funding, what funding exists as well as how to use it to support a business and the local economy.
The webinars will cover factors such as why and how to adapt your business plan for a grant application, grant-writing advice, practical writing tips, creating grants templates for standard questions, and grant-writing exercises.
The presenter is Keith Whelan, who sources grants and funding for both the public and private sectors across Australia and New Zealand and teaches grant writing at several universities.
Reserve a spot in the first webinar by clicking here and the second by clicking here.
The shire council says more programs will be coming. For more details and to register for mentoring, click here.