1 March 2025

Height no problem for Batemans Bay apartment development

| Ian Bushnell
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An artist's impression of the approved Batemans Bay apartment complex on Heradale Parade.

An artist’s impression of the approved Batemans Bay apartment complex on Heradale Parade. Image: Place Studio.

A $37 million proposal for a residential multi-unit complex up to four storeys high at Batemans Bay has been approved despite breaching the Eurobodalla Shire’s height limits for the site.

The proponent for the three-building, 60-unit proposal, Sydney-based architectural firm Place Studio, convinced the Southern Regional Planning Panel of Chris Wilson (chair), Grant Christmas and Susan Budd unanimously that the development was in the public interest.

Most of the 60 apartments will be large three-bedroom homes.

The panel decided that there were sufficient environmental planning grounds to override the height limits of 11.5 m and 12.5 m for the site and that it would be unreasonable or unnecessary to comply with them.

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The buildings will reach a maximum height of about 15 m, including lift overruns, according to the proponent’s height variation request.

The decision said the project would provide a variety of housing types and meet the housing needs of the community.

“The proposal promotes good residential amenity and will provide for a diversity of housing throughout Eurobodalla,” it said.

The Eurobodalla Local Strategic Planning Statement lists encouraging greater housing diversity and affordability as one of its 13 priorities.

The panel found that the development would result in a sound planning outcome, positive social outcomes and the site was well suited for the intended use.

“The panel considers that concerns raised by the community have been adequately addressed in the assessment report and through the conditions of consent as imposed and that no new issues requiring assessment were raised during the determination briefing,” the decision said.

Concern about varying height limits was raised in Tuesday’s council meeting with Councillor Anthony Mayne saying if councillors and staff continued to vary the standard, the standard fell away.

A view of the development from Bavarde Avenue.

A view of the development from Bavarde Avenue.

The 8409 sqm, L-shaped site at 20 Heradale Parade is on the western corner of the Bavarde Avenue and Heradale Parade intersection and is at present home to two weatherboard cottages and number of outbuildings.

The Bavarde Avenue street frontage is about 90 m long and Heradale Parade 41 m.

The plans show two of the buildings will front Bavarde Avenue and Heradale Parade, with one sitting behind. Plans show the third building having a rooftop pool at its rear.

The mix of one- to four-bedroom apartments comprises two one-beds; 12 two-beds, including seven adaptable; 42 three-beds, including 10 adaptable; and four four-bedrooms.

READ ALSO Council debates over-height development, next steps for draft housing strategy

The complex will sit on a one-level basement with parking for 88 vehicles and three wash bays, and spaces for 29 bicycles.

Vehicles will access the basement via a single driveway at the northern end of the Heradale Parade site frontage.

The development is expected to generate 32 peak AM trips and 19 PM peak trips.

It is hoped that construction can get under way in the last quarter of 2025.

Original Article published by Ian Bushnell on Riotact.

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