Ian appreciates the joys and challenges of life in country town. There’s a style and an approach to life and communication here that is different to city centres. It’s not something that can be studied or easily transferred, you’ve got to live it and Ian does, in his personal and professional life. The communities I love and serve have benefited from Ian’s ability to communicate with regional people in a way that is respectful, informed and creative.
Rural community members tell council why Moruya livestock yards should be left as they are
Usual armchair experts Trish and Pattie at their ill-informed best. The idea was to start the… View
Attuross did you watch the council meeting of the 19th November 2024? This subject came up in… View
Rural Community members, how misleading. Surely you mean 3 people with vested interests. Has Mr… View
Dalmeny Matters submits 1000-plus signature petition to Eurobodalla Shire Council
NIMBY's is all Dalmeny matters are while we have people sleeping on the streets these cashed up… View
Zombie developments approved decades ago should undergo scrutiny of current development standards re… View
This is private land and is zoned for residential development Our Shire needs housing. What do the… View
Gundary Solar Farm project turns Goulburn supporters cold
Another useless project when the country is awash in excess solar but why not put solar on every… View
Ending logging in the Eurobodalla 'would negate half of the shire's other emissions'
It is so sad to see yet again the never ending attempt to rid our country of another industry. What… View
Ms. Mills perpetuates a myth At last review about 700 jobs in SE NSW were directly related to the… View
So few people employed in an industry that costs taxpayers to keep it going and destroys the habitat… View