South Durras Community Association president Trevor Daly and Fiona Phillips MP at the South Durras NBN fixed-wireless tower. Photo: Fiona Phillips.
The South Durras community will now have more secure communications in the event of bushfires and extreme weather events, with power cables relocated to the local NBN fixed-wireless tower.
Previously the cable had been above ground close to trees and other hazards, meaning it could be easily severed or damaged during weather events.
Member for Gilmore Fiona Phillips said relocating the cable underground would greatly reduce the risk of damage and provide more reliable NBN to the surrounding communities.
“I saw the terrible circumstances South Durras faced during the bushfires,” Mrs Phillips said.
“That’s why I made improved power and telecommunications for this community an election commitment.
“They said plain and simple they need their NBN connectivity to be more disaster resilient, and I made it a priority to get it done.
“The Durras community is an organised, resilient and reliable one, and I want their power and telecommunications to reflect that.
“I’d like to thank the Durras Community Association, Essential Energy, and the broader community, for their monumental efforts – well done.”
This project was a key election commitment for Mrs Phillips, with the Albanese Government committing $221,000 to improve the resilience of power and telecommunications infrastructure for South Durras.