Fisheries officers will be patrolling the Thredbo and Eucumbene Rivers to ensure that fishers are abiding by these rules. Photo: NSW DPI Fisheries Facebook.
The annual trout spawning season in the Snowy Mountains starts today – May 1, with seasonal fishing rules now in place on the Thredbo River and its tributaries and the Eucumbene River and its tributaries, upstream of the Lake Eucumbene dam wall, including Providence Portal.
Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Senior Inland Fisheries Manager, Cameron Westaway, says
“Restrictions are in place to provide protection for early spawning brown trout.”
“The restrictions also provide fishers with the opportunity to catch a trophy-sized trout, in particular, the Eucumbene River which has provided excellent fishing for large brown trout over the past few years.”
A minimum size limit of 50 cm, daily bag limit of one and possession limit of two trout will apply to these rivers from today (May 1) to the end of the Queen’s Birthday long weekend on Monday, June 10, 2019.
“Anglers can use one attended rod and line with up to two hooks with artificial flies or lures and up to three treble hooks attached to any lure is permitted, while any fishing gear rigged for bait fishing is prohibited,” Mr Westaway says.
The annual closure on fishing in trout streams for the rest of NSW will be in place from Tuesday, June 11, 2019, allowing brown and rainbow trout to breed uninterrupted until the trout fishing season re-opens on the October long weekend on Saturday, October 5, 2019. Trout dams remain open to fishing throughout the year.
“When the season opens again in October, a minimum size limit of 25 cm, daily bag limit of two and possession limit of four trout will again apply to the Thredbo and Eucumbene Rivers,” Mr Westaway says.
“DPI, in conjunction with local acclimatisation societies, have been stocking trout dams and rivers in NSW for many years, however, it is important to provide increased protection for brown and rainbow trout during their annual spawning runs.”
Fisheries officers will be patrolling the Thredbo and Eucumbene Rivers to ensure that fishers are abiding by these rules.
For more information on fishing rules check the NSW DPI website, the NSW Freshwater Fishing Guide is also available from DPI fisheries offices and most bait and tackle stores.