Googong’s recycled water will be turned off temporarily at the end of September. Photo: Supplied.
Mark your calendars and fill your buckets with water as Googong’s recycled-water supply is set to be shut down for eight hours on Wednesday, 28 September.
From 9 am to 5 pm, as part of construction for the community’s new recycled-water reservoir, the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) has informed the community that water will be unavailable.
Contractors during this time will be working on behalf of Googong Township Pty Ltd to install a new connection to the existing recycled-water main that services all of Googong.
All residents are encouraged to be prepared and manually flush toilets wherever necessary.
As the disruption to the recycled water will occur during the school holidays, Googong Anglican School will not be affected; however, toilets and irrigation will be impacted at residential, public and commercial properties within the Googong serviced area.
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The QPRC said the shutdown would not affect Googong’s potable (drinking) water supply, and water used for drinking, bathing and in kitchens would remain as normal.
“The new 8ML recycled-water reservoir will support Googong’s growth and replace the existing 4ML reservoir,” a QPRC statement said.
“Residents shouldn’t notice any changes once the work is complete.
“The existing 4ML recycled-water reservoir will be shutdown, sanitised and repurposed for potable water use.”
The council said the works were unavoidable, and due to safety reasons they could not be conducted at night.
The QPRC said it appreciated the community’s patience and understanding as it worked with the Googong Township to deliver the new project.