Nina Gbor and Sophia Hamblin Wang. Photo: George Tsotsos.
“If you can’t see it, you can’t be it” goes the mantra: we all need role models and inspiration, and sometimes the most powerful icons are right there in our own backyards.
Powered by Passion is a new Region Media series by Nina Gbor that takes us inside the lives and motivations of some remarkable Canberra region women.
When you think of alchemists, you probably conjure images of bearded men in long robes, crouched over a book or swirling a beaker with luminous liquid.
In contrast, alchemists of the present day look like Sophia Hamblin Wang, whose company, Mineral Carbonation International, turns carbon dioxide emissions into industrial products, locking it away for good.
When she’s not busy doing her bit to save the planet, Sophia acts as the Canberra ambassador for OzHarvest, runs a co-housing project with her friends, and has even mastered the art of the Rubik’s Cube!
There’s no saying what the next project will be for this sustainability advocate who began her journey in a small fishing village in Far North Queensland, but we’re excited.
Watch her full interview with Nina Gbor below.
Powered by Passion: Meet modern-day alchemist Sophia Hamblin Wang
Sophia Hamblin Wang is a passionate sustainability advocate and modern-day alchemist. She spoke with Nina Gbor about how she’s doing her bit to save the planet through Mineral Carbonation International – MCi and the co-housing project she runs with her friends. Watch the full interview below.
Posted by The RiotACT on Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Original Article published by Ruwendi Wakwella on The RiotACT.