The Friday Choir performing at South East Regional Hospital, as part of the ‘Uplift’ project run by South East Arts and supported by a $5,000 Mumbulla grant. Photo: Mumbulla Foundation Facebook.
Community organisations of the Bega Valley; you have only days left to apply for the 2018 Mumbulla Foundation grants programs.
When applications opened in mid-August the deadline was weeks away, well now its hear and screaming at your conscience. Applications close Sunday, September 30!
The Foundation welcomes applications from not for profit and charitable organisations including; schools, charities, volunteers and individuals who make a contribution to life in the Bega Valley Shire.
Chairperson, Olwen Morris says, “The Foundation is proud to be able to help charities and not for profits deliver projects focussed on the needs and aspirations of the community.”
“The Foundation is very happy to again be partnering with the Bega Valley Shire Council and to receive major business support and donations from individuals, allowing the Foundation to continue its work promoting community well-being by giving to small groups for social, environmental, and cultural activities within the Bega Valley Shire.’’
The Foundation returns the vast majority of the funds it raises back to the community. Administrative costs are kept to a minimum and there are no paid staff. All the work is done by a dedicated group of volunteer directors responsible for running the business of the Foundation.
Over the past 17 years, a total of over $940,000 in grants have been given to a range of groups and ideas.
In 2017 money was awarded to:
- Bermagui Community Forum, PA upgrade, $629;
- Cobargo Preschool, kitchen improvements to support breakfast club and cooking program, $1,000;
- Bemboka Lions Club – Bemboka Mens Shed, construction of shed and kitchen, $9,000;
- Jellat RFS, smart TV for training suite, $1,000;
- Stonewave Taiko, protective drum cases, $1,670;
- Pambula Surf Lifesaving Club, upgraded radios for surf patrols, $3,333;
- Twofold Aboriginal Corporation, community bush tucker garden, $7,000.
Grants up to $9000 are available to help small groups deliver projects, run events, and build networks and friendships.
Applications close at 5 pm on Sunday, September 30. For information about eligibility and how to apply, go to Mumbulla Foundation website.