The new car park on Bega’s Auckland Street has been completed. Photo: BVSC.
A new 51-space, untimed car park has been described as a welcome addition to Bega due to the lack of easily-accessible, unlimited parking in the town.
Bega Valley Shire Council said the Plumb Motors car park on Auckland Street has been completed.
“I think it’s fantastic,” Bega Chamber of Commerce president John Watkin said.
“Bega Chamber has been beating the doors of council for quite a number of years suggesting we need more parking for members rather than customers.
“Now to see the job finally done, we’re very happy they’ve done it.”
Mr Watkin said he knows of workers in the town who had to move their cars several times a day so they did not get a ticket.
“One of the problems we have had is all-day workers have been parking in customer spots where customers should be parking,” he said.
“This space will free them up for more customers in town.”
Council’s Project Services Manager Daniel Djikic said an accessible footpath runs through the middle of the car park to a pathway linking to the nearby recreation ground.
“The use of 45-degree parking has made the entry and exit into each parking space easier, while also maximising the number of car parks,” he said.
“We’ve also installed garden beds with native grasses and planted nine corymbia ficifolia wildfire trees – small, red flowering gums – which were selected due to their suitability for urban environments such as car parks.”
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Member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain said it was fantastic to see the car park come to fruition after council purchased the land with the intent of increasing Bega’s CBD parking needs.
“The car park looks great and will benefit the Bega community by providing parking not only for people to shop at local businesses, but also to watch events at the sportsground next door,” she said.
The car park was made possible with funding from the Federal Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program funding and a council contribution.