SAGE has created a vibrant gardening and growing community. Photo: Supplied
Love gardening but don’t want to water every day? Love eating fresh veggies but know that you’ll forget to take care of the plants?
The successful Veggies for All program run by Moruya’s Sustainable Agriculture and Gardening Eurobodalla (SAGE) has a solution to watering problems during hot, dry summers, installing fourteen new wicking garden beds in its new community garden.
Wicking beds solve watering problems because they water plants from below rather than above, with moisture drawn up through the soil via capillary action – or wicking.
The community garden is a new project for Veggies For All, which has seen volunteers build more than 180 raised veggie beds in the backyards of Centrelink recipients in the past few years, and more than 375 people attend vegetable gardening workshops, reports Veggies for All coordinator Kathryn Maxwell.

‘Veggie for All’ a first of its kind scheme that is putting food on the table, bringing people together, and helping tight budgets go further. Photos: Supplied.
“Community gardens bring so many benefits into the community. As well as producing healthy fresh food, they are a great way to learn new skills, socialise, and get some exercise,” she says.
“They are good for the community and great for the environment,” she adds “and we are very proud to be partnering with the Moruya Anglican Parish in this project.”
Applications from individuals, households or groups will be assessed by the Moruya Community Gardens Committee with the aim of assisting members of the community who otherwise would not have the means to grow fresh vegetables and herbs.
Agreements will be offered for an initial 12 months and applications are due by Wednesday, November 27.
To find out who is eligible and more information, visit the SAGE website or email Veggies for All Coordinator Kathryn Maxwell – [email protected] or phone 0467 558 645.