All things medieval will come alive in Tarago in March at its annual country show with a twist. Photo: Matt Benson.
Many traditions in agricultural fairs have spanned decades – if not a century – but not all shows have events pulled from centuries past.
Liberty Deaman, the Tarago Show Society’s horse steward and one of the founders of the Medieval Faire, said the Tarago Show and Medieval Faire was being run as a joint event after a challenging few years.
“There are so many people in this area who really love our little agricultural show and would love to back it and support it,” she said.
“To get that back on its own feet is a fantastic thing as well, so we’re all working really hard in both camps to make sure that both of these events are a success moving forward.”
The show will officially open at noon on 3 March, though demonstrations, entertainment and competitions will be running throughout the day from 8 am.
“The fantastic thing about agricultural shows is that they really are an environment that offers something for everyone,” Ms Deaman said.
“It affords people an opportunity to display their skills and also meet people who are like-minded.”
Part of the day will involve traditional show elements including showjumping events, a pavilion full of baking, photography, art, literature, quilting, crochet and knitting entries, and a magician’s show.
“We’ve got a return of the shearing demonstration this year – that is great because we haven’t had any sheep involved in the show for a number of years,” Ms Deaman said.
A hacking and led show is being planned as a separate event in November.
Of course, the day will also give attendees a chance to take a step back in time at the Medieval Faire.
“We get people who might work a desk job six days a week, or whatever it happens to be, and they come to these events, where they can express a side of themselves that maybe doesn’t come out all the time,” Ms Deaman said.
While Ms Deaman and her husband have put on demonstrations at past Tarago Shows, this will be a full day of medieval-themed displays and competitions.
“We’ve established an area, which we’re referring to as the Medieval Village, and that will have our local clubs and groups set up inside it, as well as stallholders that are in that scope,” she said.
“There will be living history displays and demonstrations where people will be able to go and talk to members of the groups about the different weapons and reenactment events that they participate in.”
Ms Deaman said the event was part of a bigger trend of people looking to turn the clock back with medieval re-enactments.
“We’ve seen it from the likes of the Queanbeyan Medieval Fair – I think Queanbeyan had 10,000 people through the gate,” she said.
“I don’t think we’ll end up with those numbers because this is a much smaller-scale event, but it shows there is interest and intrigue in the medieval side of things.”
As the Tarago Show and Medieval Faire approaches, the show society has put the call out for some helping hands.
“We’re looking for people on the day itself to help, as well as volunteer positions beforehand,” Ms Deaman said.
“There will be a number of working bees on the weekdays and weekends in the lead-up to the event, to make sure the showground is prepped and ready.”
Those interested in volunteering can contact the Tarago Show Society by emailing [email protected].
The Tarago Show and Medieval Faire will be held on 3 March, 2024, from 8:30 am to 4 pm at Tarago Showground, 1894 Braidwood Road.
General admission costs between $10 and $25 (with those aged under 16 free), and tickets are available via Eventbrite and at the venue gates.