16 May 2023

Help to move traffic out of the slow lane with feedback on Braidwood and Bungendore roads

| Albert McKnight
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Highway roadworks

Roadworks and holiday traffic congestion are no strangers to the Kings Highway. Have your say on ways to improve Bungendore and Braidwood roads by taking part in an online study. Photo: Kim Treasure.

Residents of the Bungendore and Braidwood areas know about the slow journeys that happen when Canberrans use the highway that runs through their region to flock to the South Coast over the holidays.

The NSW Government is now calling for these NSW residents to have their say about the local situation in an effort to learn what improvements can be made as part of a review of their transport networks.

They can do this via an online interactive map, which already has some great ideas.

In Braidwood, one person says it would be great to have a shared pedestrian and cycling path around the town, one argues the intersection of Wallace and Lascelles streets is dangerous and should have traffic lights, while another questions why there is still no bypass for the town.

When it comes to Bungendore, a resident claims Majara Street is used as a “racetrack” for Canberra drivers trying to avoid the town, another says it is difficult to cross Malbon Street when ACT residents have hit the road, while a third suggests a roundabout for the intersection of Malbon and Butmarro streets.

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“The Kings Highway is a key route passing through both Braidwood and Bungendore for locals, tourists and freight operators travelling between Canberra and Batemans Bay,” Regional Roads and Transport Minister Jenny Aitchison said.

“We know these communities experience congestion during peak periods with a significant increase in traffic travelling up and down the highway over school holidays and long weekends.

“Transport for NSW is looking at opportunities to reduce travel time and improve holiday traffic management within the communities.”

State Member for Monaro Steve Whan said the study would also look at opportunities to improve overall traffic flow, pedestrian and cycling connectivity, access to public spaces as well as access to public transport.

“While a Braidwood bypass should be part of the long-term plans, in the short term we should be looking at smaller-scale solutions such as bike paths, footpaths and pedestrian crossings to make it easier and safer for residents and visitors to navigate these towns,” he said on social media.

Mr Whan said that once the consultation period was over, a plan would be developed to identify actions that Transport for NSW and Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council could implement to improve transport within Braidwood and Bungendore, and better manage the traffic around public holidays.

Residents from these areas can contribute to the local transport study, which focuses on the key areas of safety, congestion, holiday traffic, active travel, public transport and accessing public spaces.

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Feedback is being sought on the general accessibility and connectivity of the transport network within the two towns.

Questions to consider when answering include: Have you found it difficult to get around the towns? Is riding a bike there unsafe? Are the town centres pleasant places for walking?

For more information and to provide feedback through an interactive tool, click here.

Feedback submissions close on 2 June.

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cannedbeeria2:22 pm 25 Feb 25

Bungendore And Braidwood equals Bypass.
Split the difficult traffic down the middle.
The olden day adage that that towns will be forgotten is just that, olden day thinking. Travellers who like to stop and ahop et , wil still do that, and thise that take rat runs etc, wont feel the need to.
And just think: you will get your main streets back.
I am old enough to remember Yass and Goulburn before they were bypassed. Awful, noisy, dangerous and no chance of crossing the highway.

Why waste precious $$$ on what has been admitted in this article as short-term solutions when both towns will be bypassed anyway?
Do it now, it will never be cheaper.

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