The dry hills around Candelo, in the Bega Valley, decent rain hasn’t fallen in two and half years. Photo: Ian Campbell.
With the pressure of drought being felt across Southern NSW, and the added weight of Christmas and summer holidays approaching, new digital health and well-being support is being rolled out across the region. A ‘personal assistant’ to guide you towards a healthier lifestyle.
Starting on November 11, this FREE 4-week challenge is open to 550 participants and comes with the backing of Pa2health and COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW Primary Health Network (PHN).
“Everyone wants to be healthy but it’s hard to do on your own,” says Pa2health CEO, Judy Davie.
“With Pa2health you can have four health experts by your side for four weeks.
“Getting physically and mentally healthy is particularly hard during these long-running drought conditions which cause so much stress to farmers, their families and the extended community and with Christmas only weeks away stress levels are set to get worse.
“Thanks to a drought funded community grant from COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW PHN, 550 residents from the Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla, Far South Coast, Cooma – Snowy Monaro, Queanbeyan, Goulburn and Yass can participate in a free digital health service which combines stress and sleep strategies, healthy eating, psychology, and exercise to suit all fitness levels.
“The challenge was recently offered to people in the Murrumbidgee area with some great results – it particularly helped people deal with stress and anxiety.
“We know how hard it can be to prioritise health, particularly living through these drought conditions, but overcoming challenges is easier with the physical and mental resilience that comes from good health behaviours, and that’s why we developed this program.”

The Pa2Health team, CEO, Judy Davie in the centre. Photo: Pa2Health Facebook
The program normally costs $49 but is currently free to residents in Southern NSW, it includes:
- Weekly meal plans and shopping lists to help you nourish your body. Pa2health also helps curb the 9 pm chocolate craving, saying “hi” at key moments to keep you on track.
- Find out how to set good habits, stay motivated and reach your goals.
- New fitness challenges every week, including lesson plans for all levels of fitness. Plus information about core strength, stretching and tips to help you stay motivated.
- Bring presence into your weekly routine with simple activities that fit into your busy schedule. Mindfulness, breath awareness and deep relaxation, to assist with sleep, reduce stress and calm anxiety.
The challenge is run using Facebook Messenger. In order to participate, you will need a Facebook and Facebook Messenger account.
“Our service was developed for regional Australians to empower them to improve their physical and mental health,” Ms Davie says.
For more info or to register check the Pa2Health website.