A landslide caused by bushfires and floods blocked Araluen Road at Knowles Creek. Photo: Eurobodalla Shire Council.
Eurobodalla Shire Council has heard residents’ concerns about the proposed reduction of maintenance on Araluen Road.
Peter Cormick of Deau River Valley spoke about the unsealed road’s importance during the public forum of a recent council meeting.
He spoke after learning that the council has proposed grading the road every nine months. He said that in the not-too-distant past, it had been graded every three months.
The reduced spending on road maintenance is one way the council is trying to cut costs to improve its financial position.
“I understand the need to make cuts, but it is a matter of where you make those cuts,” Mr Cormick said.
He said there must be a distinction between discretionary spending and non-discretionary or essential spending.
“I feel that councillors need to take a closer look at what staff have proposed. Road maintenance is essential expenditure.”
He said the road was not just another unsealed road in the shire but a special category of road that needed special attention.
“It is a fragile road; it is precarious in parts and very susceptible to wet weather,” Mr Cormick said.
“It is an arterial road when the Clyde Mountain road is out. It is the alternative route for emergency vehicles,” he said.
Councillor David Grace said its importance as an arterial road during emergencies was evident during the 2019/20 bushfires and floods.
“Clearly we need to make sure it is maintained and maintained well,” Cr Grace said.

Peter Cormick said it was inefficient to send crew out to deal with isolated problems like potholes. Photo: Eurobodalla Shire Council.
Mr Cormick said it was difficult to think of a better example of false economy than cutting back preventative road maintenance.
“I would hope that the council appreciates the community is more than upset about the prospect and you need to relook where cuts can be made,” he said.
Councillor Amber Schutz said it was her understanding that roads would be inspected regularly to determine if they needed resheeting and regrading.
“That is a more financially responsible way to do what is needed,” she said.
Cr Schutz then asked Mr Cormick why he thought the maintenance should be done pre-emptively rather than as needed.
Mr Cormick said it was inefficient for crews to be sent to fix potholes and other items in response to phone calls from residents. “Instead the crews should go out on a regular basis and do it properly … and then you won’t get those calls,” Mr Cormick said.
Councillor Alison Worthington said the council had unsuccessfully applied to transfer responsibility for the road’s maintenance to the State Government last year. Rather than focus on Araluen Road, Cr Worthington asked if the community’s appetite for a change in maintenance of the shire’s sizeable network of unsealed roads needed to be gauged and discussed in the context of belt tightening.
Mr Cormick said he had only recently learned of the proposed changes and had seen no advertising about them. He said the community should be involved in prioritising spending but could not be without the detailed information needed to make informed input.
He said the budget papers were lacking detail.
“$48 million on ‘other expenses’, you may as well call it miscellaneous. You need to have itemisation. What about consultancy fees? What about cuts there? The community needs information in a detailed form before it can have meaningful input into how the prioritisation ought to take place.”