Bega council has said the running water at Tantawangalo weir means sediment is cleared sooner following heavy rain. Photo: BVSC.
Merimbula residents should have noticed clearer water running through their taps thanks to council switching to supplies from Tantawangalo.
Bega Valley Shire Council ditched water from Yellow Pinch Dam in favour of Tantawangalo Weir after months of heavy rain washed fine clay silt into the area’s main water store.
Water and sewerage services manager Chris Best said it resulted in an immediate improvement in water quality.
“With all the rain we’ve had this year, several catchments were affected by runoff, increasing sedimentation in our dams,” he said.
“So we are now sourcing water from places with a constantly-running supply.
“River sources like Tantawangalo can flush sediment through, resulting in a supply that clears sooner following heavy rain.”
He said while Yellow Pinch water is safe to drink, its brown appearance meant it was not something everyone wanted to use.
“It’s important to note the Tantawangalo supply – like any river – is still prone to sediment following heavy rain, but it will clear itself much sooner than the Yellow Pinch Dam,” Mr Best said.
“A permanent solution rests with adding filtration to our water treatment facilities and this is coming, with a new Yellow Pinch treatment and filtration plant scheduled for delivery in 2027.”
He said filtration had been introduced to Bemboka’s water supply in 2019, filtration and treatment were nearing delivery for the Brogo-Bermagui supply and construction of a new plant was about to start in Bega.