21 February 2025

Campaign to save Cuttagee Bridge pivots to NSW Government after impasse with Bega Valley Shire Council

| Marion Williams
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NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison and Member for Bega Dr Michael Holland with supporters of saving Cuttagee Bridge.

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison and Member for Bega Dr Michael Holland with supporters of saving Cuttagee Bridge. Photo: Marion Williams.

The campaign to save the one-lane timber Cuttagee Bridge is now squarely aimed at the NSW Government, having reached an impasse with Bega Valley Shire Council.

The Save Cuttagee Bridge Group (SCBG) learnt in late 2024 that council had appointed consultant GHD to develop three design options and present its recommendation of one from a single-lane timber hybrid bridge, a two-lane timber hybrid bridge and a two-lane concrete bridge.

Minutes from the 29 January council meeting said, “Analysis of the three design options will be undertaken and an assessment and recommendation made to councillors prior to the preferred design option being nominated”.

The minutes did not include that the council’s director, assets and operations, Ian Macfarlane, told Councillor Helen O’Neil that the design option selected would be determined by councillors before any further community consultation. He said they are “targeting engagement on what’s been determined by council”.

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Sheena Boughen, a SCBG spokesperson, said they didn’t know the scope of GHD’s analysis, the criteria, or if the community would be appropriately consulted.

“That council makes this decision on one option is a risk we cannot take and we aren’t prepared to take,” she said.

Their campaign started in Easter 2021 after a state government announcement in March 2021 of additional funding to replace timber bridges, including Cuttagee, with concrete ones.

The council voted in favour of replacing Cuttagee Bridge with a two-lane concrete one.

Cuttagee Bridge, south of Bermagui, is one of a handful of one-lane timber bridges on the road between Bermagui and Tathra.

Cuttagee Bridge, south of Bermagui, is one of a handful of one-lane timber bridges on the road between Bermagui and Tathra. Photo: Samantha Davies.

SCBG’s poster and postcard campaign resulted in 14,000 signatures on its petition.

In March 2023, during the election campaign, NSW Labor promised $15 million to repair and restore Cuttagee Bridge in line with its heritage principles.

The bridge, south of Bermagui, was designed more than 130 years ago, and is one of a handful of single-lane wooden bridges on the road between Bermagui and Tathra.

SCBG presented a report to NSW ministers in June 2023 that was based on input from global specialists on timber bridges.

In it, Professor Keith Crews from the University of Queensland said there was no doubt the bridge had significant cultural, heritage and environmental values, and was an appropriate structure for the locality, so close to the ocean.

“A “renewed” timber bridge, properly designed and detailed (with significant rehabilitation) can meet relevant design standards, be durable and sustainable, and definitely a feasible alternative to replacement by a concrete structure,” Professor Crews said.

The NSW Government formally committed to the $15 million funding in September 2023.

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison and State Member for Bega Dr Michael Holland with supporters of restoring Cuttagee Bridge in line with heritage principles.

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison and State Member for Bega Dr Michael Holland with supporters of restoring Cuttagee Bridge in line with heritage principles. Photo: Marion Williams.

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison met with the council in February 2024. They reached an agreement to consult with the community on the three design options.

Ms Aitchison wrote to the SCBG on 25 April 2024 advising that at the February meeting council “endorsed a replacement bridge sympathetic to the heritage and tourism values of the existing bridge. You may be interested to know council has indicated there is a need for significant community consultation before the planning process for the bridge can start.”

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When SCBG and the Bermagui Community Forum learnt of council’s plans to proceed without any community consultation, they met with NSW Member for Bega Dr Michael Holland to seek his assurance that the NSW Government was still committed to $15 million funding for the bridge’s repair and rehabilitation in line with heritage principles, and to community consultation.

“We are confident that Dr Holland will maintain the promise of rehabilitation with heritage principles. The State Government holds the purse strings and we request that they do not give council the money unless the wishes of the community and advice of timber bridge specialists are adhered to,” Ms Boughen said.

She said SCBG was motivated by Transport for NSW’s successful restoration of the one-lane timber bridge at Wallaga Lake.

“Council must maintain and develop a clear process, instead of just making a decision,” she said. “We are not focusing on the council because we have hit a brick wall. The majority of councillors still want a two-lane concrete bridge.”

She said the NSW Government was currently their shining light.

“We want them to talk to GHD and the council about how they are going to honour their commitment to the State Government.”

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