5 January 2024

Body of man discovered in dam near Quandialla

| Edwina Mason
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photo of NSW Police tape

Police discovered the body of a man when a vehicle was recovered from a dam near Quandialla, in the state’s southwest on December 21. Image: NSW Police.

A body believed to be that of a man reported missing from Quandialla, in the state’s South West, has been located.

NSW Police have confirmed Hume Police District officers attended a property on the Quandialla-Caragabal Road at about 9:30 am on Thursday (21 December) after a vehicle was found submerged in a dam.

A crime scene was established, and the vehicle was recovered with the body of a man located inside.

Photo of missing man Malcolm McAlister

Malcolm McAlister had last been seen on a property near Quandialla – west of Young – on Monday 20 November 2023. Image: NSW Police

While the body is yet to be formally identified, it is believed to be that of missing 57-year-old man Malcolm McAlister.

Mr McAlister was last seen at a property on McAlisters Lane, Quandialla – about 65 km west of Young – on Monday (20 November).

READ ALSO Fears for Quandialla man missing since 20 November

When he could not be located or contacted, officers attached to The Hume Police District were notified and commenced inquiries into his whereabouts.

Both police and family held serious concerns for his welfare as his disappearance was out of character.

He had been last seen wearing a red chequered flannelette shirt, jeans, thick glasses, boots and a cream Akubra hat and may have been driving a white Holden Colorado steel-back utility with a snorkel and UHF aerial on the front, and a second white aerial.

He was understood to be travelling with two dogs – a cream Kelpie and a tan and black Kelpie.

An investigation is now underway into the circumstances of the death of the man under Strike Force Gibingbell and a report will be prepared for the Coroner.

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