2 May 2024

'Are you kidding?' RSPCA found no breaches of animal welfare during previous visits to illegal knackery

| Jarryd Rowley
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Member of the NSW Legislative Council Wes Fang has questioned the leadership of RSPCA NSW. Photo: Wes Fang.

Wagga-based member of the NSW Legislative Council Wes Fang has been left dumbfounded after the RSPCA declared there were no breaches of animal welfare at a Wagga property where more than 500 horses were found dead.

RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman appeared in front of a NSW Legislative Council inquiry this week, which focused on the organisation’s two previous investigations into a Wagga property where an illegal knackery was uncovered by Wagga Wagga City Council back in March.

During questioning of Mr Coleman, it was revealed that the RSPCA investigation team visited the property twice in the space of four months – once in September 2023 and again in January 2024 – before WWCC’s investigation. However, despite finding “remnants of skeletons” and concluding its investigation, the RSPCA found no animal welfare concerns.

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“There were allegations of an illegal knackery and we have put questions to the person of interest, all of which have been denied,” Mr Coleman said.

Mr Coleman explained that aside from complaints about horses, the RSPCA also received a number of complaints about the welfare of dogs on the property. Upon completing its investigation, the RSPCA concluded that everything was considered to be in reasonable condition.

Mr Fang, who was leading the inquiry’s questions, asked Mr Coleman if he was serious.

The inquiry continued with questioning in relation to the ongoing aerial shooting of wild horses in Kosciuszko National Park and the potential implementation of cameras monitoring the reserve.

During a previous brumby inquiry, the RSPCA approached several national parks about the potential use of 360-degree cameras during cullings, which the parks denied. During the inquiry, Mr Fang pushed for new information about potential progress into the use of cameras. Mr Coleman said there had only been minimal discussions.

Mr Fang was clearly frustrated by the response, leading to him expressing his doubt over the leadership of RPSCA NSW and calling Mr Coleman a scapegoat for the activity undertaken at national parks.

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“I’ve never seen an organisation this badly run,” Mr Fang said.

“Mr Coleman, you’ve been there [at the RSPCA] for 30-something years, I think the RSPCA needs new leadership. I am not confident you are the right person to be leading the RSPCA.”

Following the completion of the inquiry. Mr Fang took to social media where he called for the board of RSPCA NSW and the NSW Government to look into the senior management of the organisation.

“The reliance on an organisation which has statutory enforcement powers, yet conducts themselves in this manner, is incredibly concerning,” Mr Fang posted.

“The RSPCA has the power to be Judge, Jury and Executioner for so many farmers and businesses in our regional, rural and remote communities.

“I have rarely experienced an organisation so full of obfuscation and avoidance, determined to not answer questions or provide transparency.”

Original Article published by Jarryd Rowley on Region Riverina.

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patricia gardiner6:01 pm 04 May 24

Either Mr Fang has an agenda or has never been beyond the city limits.
Shooting of animals due to injury, illness, age, pain, stress, or as a feral pest is common practice be they pets, livestock, feral or native.
Shooting, as opposed to lethal injection, is preferable when:
* waiting for a vet would exacerbate an animal’s suffering
* the owner of the animal cannot afford to get a vet to give lethal injection
* the animal is feral and cannot be approached.
* there are too many to be put down eg stock impacted by bushfire
* the carcass can be left to be disposed of by goannas, crows, eagles etc
* the carcass can be used to feed zoo animals or as pet food.
NB: animals put down by lethal injection MUST be buried as the carcass is poisonous.
With a large animal this would require the use of a back hoe or similar (expensive).

David Evelyn7:36 pm 03 May 24

Rae O’brien, Mr Fang’s only agenda would clearly be to Find the Truth. I believe Wagga council counted hundreds of carcasses and Penny sharpe acknowledged huge numbers sent by npws to ‘already struck off illegal knackery supposed re homer’ so to ‘Muddy the Facts’ as you say may only be by the guy in trouble that did the slaughtering saying 50. And yes, all this happened under the blind eyes of the rspca not to mention rspca recieving evidence of cruelty to animals with regards the brumby cull and they’ve been blinded to that as well. Many believe money has caused the blindness. Wes Fang has every right to seek the truth and time will tell.

It is not illegal to shoot horses on your own property the only issue is animal welfare and if a licenced shooter’s used, that is the most humane way.
The RSPA had already checked out his property.

Wagga Council obviously cannot count, maybe they counted each bone as a horse! 😆

Stop The Obviously Cruel Brumby Cull2:51 pm 06 May 24

VERY well said mate.

wayne waldock9:30 am 03 May 24

sadly human nature being what it is,things do happen,and their logic seems to satisfy that emotion 50 or 500 horses were killed for dog meat correct me if I’m wrong.would it be any different if it was cows,sheep,pigs,or ask the horrible question,who gets the $$s.w waldock.

Mr Fang clearly has an agenda, the numbers were apparently not 500 but more like 50 over the years and the owner of the property said only 2 done max as that was what his cooler can hold. He used them to feed his dogs.

There is no law against putting horses down on your own property (owner used a licensed shooter) it is the most humane way. Thebowenerxsaud no water bodies were exposedabd so.w of the bones were used to rest ore build up an eroded bank.

To muddy the facts and bringing the Brumbys and the RSPSA leadership into question just shows the dirty tactics used by the pro Brumby lobby. I bet Mr Fang sits down ta a good steak without thought of the process the animal goes though.

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