Eurobodalla Shire councillors 2022-2024: David Grace, Rob Pollock, Anthony Mayne, Amber Schutz, Alison Worthington, Mayor Mat Hatcher, Peter Diskon, Tubby Harrison and Tanya Dannock. Photo: Eurobodalla Shire Council.
Sound financial management, support of local events, businesses and volunteers, sustainable development and affordable housing are some of the platforms of the would-be mayors of Eurobodalla shire.
Forty-one people have nominated themselves for the nine councillor positions that residents will vote for at local elections on 14 September.
That includes eight who have thrown their hat into the ring to be elected mayor.
The mayoral candidates include the incumbent Mat Hatcher (Tomakin) and councillors Anthony Mayne (Mossy Point) and Rob Pollock (Potato Point). The others are Phil Constable (Narooma), Colleen Turner (Malua Bay), Mick Johnson (Tuross Head), Claire McAsh (Jeremadra) and Sharon Winslade (Rosedale).
Six mayoral candidates said they were independents while Ms Turner represents The Greens and Ms Winslade is a Labor candidate.
About Regional asked seven candidates what their top three priorities would be if elected. Mr Constable did not provide contact details to the NSW Electoral Commission. Five of the candidates responded.
Mr Hatcher said he would keep rates down by running a financially sustainable council, support local events which in turn supported local businesses, and support volunteer groups. He said he would be transparent and consult with the community around the vision for the region and would maintain a “door is always open” approach.
Mr Pollock said his priorities would be sound money management and reliable maintenance schedules to guarantee that roads, water and waste services met expectations. He said there would be no “outlandish” promises, but a “reliable and common sense” approach.
Mr Mayne said after being a councillor for eight years, he is now running for mayor. “Among a range of policies I will work to actively reduce the risk of a large rate hike, work for greater transparency and accountability as we balance our need for growth with protecting the natural beauty of our coast and, ensure the community has a say on building heights in the shire not developers.”
Ms McAsh’s priorities include figuring out what to do about Bay Pavilions. She will also prioritise sustainable development across the shire and balancing “our cherished coastal village vibe with the need for affordable, well planned housing development.”
Ms Turner said that if elected mayor she would work to ensure health, happiness and affordable housing in Eurobodalla. She said they are interconnected. “Being healthy and happy is reliant on being securely housed. Protecting our shire’s beautiful environment contributes to everyone’s health and happiness.”
Labor for Eurobodalla’s website lists its priorities as affordable housing choices, improved community facilities and action on climate change.
Of the nine incumbent councillors, only Mr Hatcher, Mr Mayne, Mr Pollock and Amber Schutz (Catalina) are standing for re-election.

Shire residents will vote for nine councillors, including a mayor, to represent them on 14 September. Photo: Eurobodalla Shire Council.
Of the 41 candidates, 21 are female and 20 are male. There are 27 from around the Batemans Bay area, six from around Moruya and eight from Narooma.
The candidates have organised themselves into eight groups.
Group A is led by Mr Constable. He is supported by Mr Johnson, also a mayoral candidate, Trish Hellier (North Batemans Bay) and Kristy Beecham (Narooma).
Jason Ford (Surfside) is leading Group B but he is not running for mayor. In his group are Marlene Brayshaw (Rosedale), David Greer (Catalina), Rosemary Deadman (Surfside), Robert Fortuna (Surfside) and Geoff Martin (Surfside).
The group said they shared a desire to ensure that the council’s strategy and decision-making were balanced and reflected input from the community and consultation with subject matter experts without influence from party-driven politics. “We want practical and commonsense outcomes that make best use of funds and enhance the shire as a place to live, work and holiday,” they said. “Ethics and integrity are core to our values.”
Supporting Ms McAsh in Group C are John Hawke (Batemans Bay), Krystal Tritton (Moruya) and Gary Traynor (Moruya).
In Group D, there are five candidates on The Mayne Team, supporting Anthony Mayne are Karyn Starmer (Moruya), Dr Michelle Hamrosi (Broulee), Sally Christiansen (Narooma) and David Grice (Long Beach).
There are six on Mr Pollock’s ticket in Group E. They are Sofia Keady (North Batemans Bay), John Tait (Surfside), Keira Marchini (Eurobodalla), Emily Zahra (Batehaven), James Thomson (Belowra) and Lindsay Brown (Narooma).
The other Labor candidates in Ms Winslade’s Group F are Maureen Searson (Catalina), Patricia Ellis (Bergalia) and Gail Vincent (Batemans Bay).
Supporting Ms Turner in Group G are Greens candidates Joslyn Van Der Moolen (South Durras), Charlie Bell (Tomakin) and Niall O’Donnell (Lilli Pilli).
Mr Hatcher has six candidates running alongside him in his Advance Eurobodalla team. They are Ms Schutz, Laurence Babington (Corunna), Ronald Meek (Long Beach), Carrie Taylor (Central Tilba), Rebecca Mahon (Batehaven) and Charles Stuart of Denhams Beach.
Some of the candidates provide information about their credentials to run as councillors and what their priorities will be on the NSW Electoral Commission website.